Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 1 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                       Women's 55 Meter Dash                                                        
                                              Preliminaries - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                            
                                        16 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat Plus Next 10 Best Times                                         
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Coffey, Regan                     Vermont                   7.33  2                             
                                  2 Elechi, Oluchi                    Mercury Alabama Track Clb 7.37  3                             
                                  3 Williams, Deshawnda               Wheaton College (MA)      7.40  4                             
                                  4 Callehdar, Jamillah               West Island Track Club    7.41  1                             
                                  5 Daniels, Shimera                  Wheaton College (MA)      7.62  5                             
                                  6 Hayes, Jen                        Vermont                   7.70  6                             
                                  7 DeLilli, Laurie                   Plattsburgh State Univ    7.48  2                             
                                  8 Thales, Pascale                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.49  2                             
                                  9 Nyame, Josephyne                  Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.50  3                             
                                 10 Mullins, Angela                   Wheaton College (MA)      7.55  4                             
                                 11 Leunens, Yoseline                 Univ of Sherbrooke        7.60  3                             
                                 12 Gingras, Angela                   Vermont                   7.70  4                             
                                 13 Burch, Colleen                    Wheaton College (MA)      7.71  5                             
                                 14 Huyler, Kate                      Vermont                   7.74  2                             
                                 14 LeBeau, Alison                    Holy Cross                7.74  3                             
                                 14 Littlefield, Emily                Dartmouth College         7.74  1                             
                                 17 Rawson, Karen                     Queen's University        7.76  2                             
                                 18 Menard, Elyse                     Univ of Sherbrooke        7.82  4                             
                                 19 Harriott, Kalila                  West Island Track Club    7.88  1                             
                                 20 Seguin, Isabelle                  Univ of Sherbrooke        7.90  1                             
                                 21 Smith, Erica                      Temple University         7.91  6                             
                                 22 Young, Michelle                   Middlebury College        7.92  1                             
                                 23 Wright, Vanessa                   Queen's University        7.95  5                             
                                 24 Mulcahey, Mary                    Dartmouth College         7.97  5                             
                                 25 Momoh, Naike                      West Island Track Club    7.99  3                             
                                 26 Reilly, Catherine                 Dartmouth College         8.01  5                             
                                 26 Calabrese, Susanne                Holy Cross                8.01  6                             
                                 28 Ian, Jamie                        Holy Cross                8.11  2                             
                                 29 Armstrong, Sarah                  Queen's University        8.12  3                             
                                 29 Mahoney, Mary-Helen               Queen's University        8.12  1                             
                                 31 Alfano, Anne                      Middlebury College        8.14  4                             
                                 32 Gonzalez, Rowena                  West Island Track Club    8.30  4                             
                                 33 Boucher, Fany                     West Island Track Club    8.31  5                             
                                 34 Symmes, Christine                 Colby-Sawyer College      8.38  6                             
                                 35 Di Tomasso, Lara                  West Island Track Club    8.45  6                             
                                 36 Pennycooke, Natasha               West Island Track Club    8.60  1                             
                                  - Wilson, Shermiane                 Temple University           FS  2                             

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 2 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                               Semi-Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                             
                                         8 Advance: Top 3 Each Heat Plus Next 2 Best Times                                          
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Coffey, Regan                     Vermont                   7.29  1                             
                                  2 Williams, Deshawnda               Wheaton College (MA)      7.32  2                             
                                  3 Callehdar, Jamillah               West Island Track Club    7.34  1                             
                                  4 Leunens, Yoseline                 Univ of Sherbrooke        7.49  2                             
                                  5 Nyame, Josephyne                  Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.43  1                             
                                  6 Mullins, Angela                   Wheaton College (MA)      7.51  2                             
                                  7 Thales, Pascale                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.49  1                             
                                  8 LeBeau, Alison                    Holy Cross                7.55  2                             
                                  9 Daniels, Shimera                  Wheaton College (MA)      7.57  1                             
                                  9 DeLilli, Laurie                   Plattsburgh State Univ    7.57  2                             
                                 11 Gingras, Angela                   Vermont                   7.61  1                             
                                 12 Huyler, Kate                      Vermont                   7.63  2                             
                                 13 Burch, Colleen                    Wheaton College (MA)      7.70  1                             
                                 13 Littlefield, Emily                Dartmouth College         7.70  1                             
                                 15 Hayes, Jen                        Vermont                   7.94  2                             
                                  - Elechi, Oluchi                    Mercury Alabama Track Clb   FS  2                             
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                               PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                               
                               ===== ================================= ========================= ====                               
                                   1 Williams, Deshawnda               Wheaton College (MA)      7.19                               
                                   2 Coffey, Regan                     Vermont                   7.22                               
                                   3 Callehdar, Jamillah               West Island Track Club    7.29                               
                                   4 Nyame, Josephyne                  Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.45                               
                                   5 Thales, Pascale                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.46                               
                                   6 Leunens, Yoseline                 Univ of Sherbrooke        7.51                               
                                   7 LeBeau, Alison                    Holy Cross                7.56                               
                                   8 Mullins, Angela                   Wheaton College (MA)      7.59                               
                                                       Women's 400 Meter Dash                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                1 Gervais, Isabelle                 Ottawa Lions                58.79  1                            
                                2 Chandler, Benita                  Temple University           59.33  1                            
                                3 Trudeau, Roselyne                 Univ of Sherbrooke          59.57  1                            
                                4 Brantle, Cheryl                   Boston International        59.70  2                            
                                5 Dale, Chanel                      Temple University         1:00.14  1                            
                                6 Markey, Nina                      Dartmouth College         1:01.25  3                            

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 3 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                 Women's 400 Meter Dash (Continued)                                                 
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                7 Lanno, Isabelle                   Univ of Sherbrooke        1:01.27  2                            
                                8 Stange, Kristen                   Vermont                   1:02.14  3                            
                                9 Grubb, Amy                        Dartmouth College         1:02.70  4                            
                               10 Lamontagne, Karine                Sherbrooke Track Club     1:02.95  3                            
                               11 Kenney, Sarah                     Unattached                1:03.16  1                            
                               12 Cunningham, Melissa               Holy Cross                1:03.21  2                            
                               13 Pollard, Crystal                  Temple University         1:03.71  2                            
                               14 Kieliszak, Jessica                Holy Cross                1:03.87  3                            
                               15 Swiggert, Patricia                Temple University         1:03.99  1                            
                               16 Wesh, Wilnie                      Regis College             1:04.13  5                            
                               17 Carano, Emily                     Bentley College           1:04.19  3                            
                               18 Bettencourt, Julie                Holy Cross                1:04.54  4                            
                               19 Johnson, Katie                    Dartmouth College         1:04.62  3                            
                               20 Capatelli, Meghan                 Holy Cross                1:04.74  2                            
                               21 Dundas, Kristina                  West Island Track Club    1:05.43  5                            
                               22 Graham, Heather                   Queen's University        1:05.75  6                            
                               23 Hillis, Lori                      Queen's University        1:06.20  2                            
                               24 Clark, Cassandra                  Holy Cross                1:06.32  5                            
                               25 Wright, Vanessa                   Queen's University        1:06.42  6                            
                               26 Vincent, Aurore                   Univ of Sherbrooke        1:06.44  4                            
                               27 Boucher, Fany                     West Island Track Club    1:06.83  5                            
                               28 Harnison, Brooke                  Williams College          1:06.92  4                            
                               29 Dunn, Crystal                     Queen's University        1:07.23  5                            
                               30 Buckley, Kara                     Dartmouth College         1:08.60  6                            
                               31 Gonzalez, Rowena                  West Island Track Club    1:09.45  4                            
                               32 Di Tomasso, Lara                  West Island Track Club    1:11.61  6                            
                               33 DeLilli, Laurie                   Plattsburgh State Univ    1:13.48  5                            
                                                       Women's 800 Meter Run                                                        
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                1 Cote, Natalie                     Ottawa Lions              2:13.95  1                            
                                2 Mondor, Emilie                    Montreal-Olympique        2:15.12  1                            
                                3 Worth, Katie                      Williams College          2:17.74  1                            
                                4 Drouin, Karine                    Unattached                2:19.08  1                            
                                5 Cunningham, Melissa               Holy Cross                2:20.10  2                            
                                6 Chenard, Melissa                  Univ of Sherbrooke        2:21.10  1                            
                                7 Langlois, Catherine               Montreal-Olympique        2:21.43  1                            

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 4 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                 Women's 800 Meter Run (Continued)                                                  
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                8 Curran, Lisa                      Queen's University        2:21.64  1                            
                                9 Bimba, Alsion                     Williston Northampton     2:21.83  2                            
                               10 Trumbull, Amy                     Smith College             2:22.02  2                            
                               11 Heitkamp, Annah                   Middlebury College        2:22.64  2                            
                               12 Beaudry, Caroline                 Univ of Sherbrooke        2:22.71  1                            
                               13 Sharff, Katie                     Williams College          2:23.43  2                            
                               14 Thomas, Julia                     Queen's University        2:26.05  1                            
                               15 Sullivan, Melissa                 U-Mass Lowell             2:27.87  2                            
                               16 Akus, Jill                        Unattached                2:28.31  2                            
                               17 Marley, Meghan                    Queen's University        2:30.13  2                            
                               18 Clark, Cassandra                  Holy Cross                2:31.11  3                            
                               19 Audette, Emily                    Holy Cross                2:31.16  3                            
                               20 Hicks, Kendall                    Dartmouth College         2:31.57  3                            
                               21 Kwok, Eva                         Williams College          2:33.01  3                            
                               22 Kieliszak, Jessica                Holy Cross                2:34.53  3                            
                               23 McGarvey, Liz                     Dartmouth College         2:35.87  3                            
                               24 Jackson, Francis                  West Island Track Club    2:39.24  3                            
                               25 Barnes, Jill                      Bentley College           2:40.11  3                            
                               26 Marks, Meghan                     Wheaton College (MA)      2:41.19  3                            
                               27 Huston, Beth                      Dartmouth College         2:41.79  2                            
                               28 DeGrandpre, Kathy                 Wheaton College (MA)      2:52.70  3                            
                                                         Women's 1 Mile Run                                                         
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                1 Cote, Natalie                     Ottawa Lions              5:02.78  1                            
                                2 Dodge, Tonya                      Syracuse Chargers         5:10.47  1                            
                                3 Crowley, Tara                     Williams College          5:17.24  2                            
                                4 Irvin, Kate                       Middlebury College        5:20.03  1                            
                                5 Newman, Caroline                  Dartmouth College         5:22.60  1                            
                                6 Ganey, Meghan                     Dartmouth College         5:24.32  1                            
                                7 Wernig, Gretchen                  Holy Cross                5:25.37  2                            
                                8 Lohmann, Tara                     Queen's University        5:27.10  1                            
                                9 Clarke, Jennifer                  Queen's University        5:27.41  1                            
                               10 Beaton, Terra                     Dartmouth College         5:30.29  2                            
                               11 Atkinson, Rebecca                 Williams College          5:30.54  2                            
                               12 Folk, Dorie                       Vermont                   5:31.01  2                            
                               13 Flaherty, Erin                    Unattached                5:34.61  2                            

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 5 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                   Women's 1 Mile Run (Continued)                                                   
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                               14 Teichgraeber, Davis               Williams College          5:35.49  2                            
                               15 Elmendorf, Crystal                Dartmouth College         5:37.50  1                            
                               16 Ludwick, Susan                    Middlebury College        5:38.29  1                            
                               17 Scott, Tracy                      Holy Cross                5:39.06  2                            
                               18 Kolodzinski, Caitine              U-Mass Lowell             5:42.41  2                            
                               19 LeGendre, Marie-Pierre            Montreal-Olympique        5:46.36  1                            
                               20 Gendreau, Linda                   Univ of Sherbrooke        5:49.34  2                            
                               21 Roller, Elizabeth                 Williams College          5:49.70  2                            
                               22 Morris, Amy                       William & Mary            5:51.20  1                            
                               23 Gebhard, Amy                      Holy Cross                5:57.99  2                            
                               24 Draycott, Amy                     Queen's University        5:58.46  2                            
                               25 Bragg, Danielle                   Vermont                   6:03.52  2                            
                                                      Women's 3,000 Meter Run                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                                 
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ========                             
                                 1 Miller, Kersti                    Dartmouth College         10:33.13                             
                                 2 Blake, Jess                       Middlebury College        10:37.01                             
                                 3 Beech, Adrienne                   Middlebury College        10:51.27                             
                                 4 Johnson, Sarah                    Holy Cross                11:02.87                             
                                 5 McMurray, Maureen                 Unattached                11:06.50                             
                                 6 Vasse, Jonni                      Williams College          11:14.63                             
                                 7 Coughlin, Beth                    Holy Cross                11:19.31                             
                                 8 Schmidt, Dana                     Dartmouth College         11:24.21                             
                                 9 LaFeniere, Roseline               Montreal-Olympique        11:47.79                             
                                10 Poland, Amy                       Holy Cross                11:54.26                             
                                11 Stewart, Angela                   Unattached                11:59.50                             
                                12 McMahon, Sara                     Unattached                12:06.53                             
                                                      Women's 5,000 Meter Run                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                                 
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ========                             
                                 1 Fagan, Ryan                       Dartmouth College         18:08.32                             
                                 2 Maryanski, Pam                    Smith College             18:13.13                             
                                 3 Tetreault, Joya                   Vermont                   18:44.65                             

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 6 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                Women's 5,000 Meter Run (Continued)                                                 
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                                 
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ========                             
                                 4 Regan, Bonnie Jeann               Dartmouth College         18:48.55                             
                                 5 Lennon, Eileen                    Holy Cross                20:21.83                             
                                 6 Flaherty, Marcia                  Holy Cross                20:31.99                             
                                 7 Lowe, Kjetil                      Dartmouth College         20:57.37                             
                                 - Shea, Tara                        Unattached                     DNF                             
                                                   Women's 55 Meter High Hurdles                                                    
                                              Preliminaries - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                            
                                        16 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat Plus Next 10 Best Times                                         
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME  HT                             
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ===== ==                             
                                 1 Tashlin, Lesley                   Ottawa Lions               8.06  3                             
                                 2 Underwood, Rhonda                 Temple University          8.57  2                             
                                 3 Bertholdt, Angela                 Boston Ath. Assoc          8.80  1                             
                                 4 Covert, Teresa                    Temple University          8.72  2                             
                                 5 Dion, Heather                     U-Mass Lowell              8.88  3                             
                                 6 Damm, Shaina                      Dartmouth College          8.93  1                             
                                 7 Smith, Erica                      Temple University          8.94  3                             
                                 8 Coffey, Regan                     Vermont                    8.97  1                             
                                 9 Purdy, Melissa                    Williams College           9.23  2                             
                                10 McLoughlin, Shauna                Holy Cross                 9.48  2                             
                                11 Gardner, Amy                      U-Mass Lowell              9.56  3                             
                                12 Holland, Susan                    Queen's University         9.65  3                             
                                13 Shank, Carolyn                    Williams College           9.68  1                             
                                14 Johnson, Janette                  Plattsburgh State Univ     9.75  1                             
                                15 Johnson, Tenille                  Wheaton College (MA)       9.82  1                             
                                16 LeBoeuf, Nicole                   Middlebury College         9.86  3                             
                                17 Jones, Sarah                      Dartmouth College          9.86  2                             
                                18 Rothrock, Heidi                   Middlebury College         9.87  3                             
                                19 Flaherty, Megan                   Wheaton College (MA)      10.18  2                             
                                20 Hammer, Erin                      Plattsburgh State Univ    10.45  1                             

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 7 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                               Semi-Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                             
                                         8 Advance: Top 3 Each Heat Plus Next 2 Best Times                                          
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Tashlin, Lesley                   Ottawa Lions              8.02  2                             
                                  2 Underwood, Rhonda                 Temple University         8.48  1                             
                                  3 Bertholdt, Angela                 Boston Ath. Assoc         8.67  1                             
                                  4 Covert, Teresa                    Temple University         8.74  2                             
                                  5 Smith, Erica                      Temple University         8.78  1                             
                                  6 Dion, Heather                     U-Mass Lowell             8.97  2                             
                                  7 Damm, Shaina                      Dartmouth College         8.88  1                             
                                  8 Purdy, Melissa                    Williams College          9.07  2                             
                                  9 Johnson, Tenille                  Wheaton College (MA)      9.27  1                             
                                 10 Shank, Carolyn                    Williams College          9.52  2                             
                                 11 McLoughlin, Shauna                Holy Cross                9.53  1                             
                                 12 Gardner, Amy                      U-Mass Lowell             9.67  1                             
                                 13 Johnson, Janette                  Plattsburgh State Univ    9.69  1                             
                                  - Holland, Susan                    Queen's University          FS  2                             
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                               PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                               
                               ===== ================================= ========================= ====                               
                                   1 Tashlin, Lesley                   Ottawa Lions              7.96                               
                                   2 Underwood, Rhonda                 Temple University         8.49                               
                                   3 Smith, Erica                      Temple University         8.51                               
                                   4 Covert, Teresa                    Temple University         8.69                               
                                   5 Bertholdt, Angela                 Boston Ath. Assoc         8.77                               
                                   6 Dion, Heather                     U-Mass Lowell             8.83                               
                                   7 Purdy, Melissa                    Williams College          8.96                               
                                   8 Damm, Shaina                      Dartmouth College         9.03                               
                                                     Women's 4x200 Meter Relay                                                      
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                        PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME    HT                                       
                                        =====  =================================== ======= ==                                       
                                            1  SRBU      Univ of Sherbrooke        1:43.35  1                                       
                                            2  ATCA      Athletics Canada          1:44.73  1                                       
                                            3  TEMP      Temple University         1:46.22  1                                       
                                            4  UVM       Vermont                   1:47.86  3                                       
                                            5  WITC      West Island Track Club    1:50.64  1                                       
                                            6  LOWL      U-Mass Lowell             1:51.26  2                                       
                                            7  WHEA      Wheaton College (MA)      1:51.98  1                                       
                                            8  QUEE      Queen's University        1:52.06  2                                       

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 8 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                               Women's 4x200 Meter Relay (Continued)                                                
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                        PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME    HT                                       
                                        =====  =================================== ======= ==                                       
                                            9  HOLY      Holy Cross                1:55.86  3                                       
                                           10  PLAT      Plattsburgh State Univ    1:56.33  3                                       
                                           11  WITC "B"  West Island Track Club    1:58.32  2                                       
                                            -  HAN       Hanover AC                     DQ  2                                       
                                                     Women's 4x400 Meter Relay                                                      
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                         PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                                            
                                         =====  =================================== =======                                         
                                             1  WHEA      Wheaton College (MA)      4:00.74                                         
                                             2  TEMP      Temple University         4:02.23                                         
                                             3  SRBU      Univ of Sherbrooke        4:05.61                                         
                                             4  QUEE      Queen's University        4:31.69                                         
                                             -  DART      Dartmouth College             DNF                                         
                                             -  MONT      Montreal-Olympique             DQ                                         
                                                      Women's Distance Medley                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                         PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                                            
                                         =====  =================================== ========                                        
                                             1  WILL      Williams College          12:35.20                                        
                                             2  QUEE      Queen's University        13:07.74                                        
                                             3  MIDL      Middlebury College        13:10.18                                        
                                             4  WHEA      Wheaton College (MA)      13:34.59                                        
                                                         Women's High Jump                                                          
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                           PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                   
                           ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                  
                               1 Pratico, Beth                     Vermont                   1.65m 5'05.00                          
                               2 Castagno, Beth                    Wheaton College (MA)      1.63m 5'04.25                          
                               2 Gervais, Guyanne                  St.Jean Olympique         1.63m 5'04.25                          
                               4 Bertholdt, Angela                 Boston Ath. Assoc         1.58m 5'02.25                          
                               4 Seguin, Isabelle                  Univ of Sherbrooke        1.58m 5'02.25                          
                               6 McLoughlin, Shauna                Holy Cross                1.53m 5'00.25                          

Flash Results, Inc.                                                                                           Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 
                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                 Page 9 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                   Women's High Jump (Continued)                                                    
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                           PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                   
                           ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                  
                               6 Getz, Kate                        Wheaton College (MA)      1.53m 5'00.25                          
                               - Bergquist, Karen                  Dartmouth College            NH                                  
                               - Jones, Sarah                      Dartmouth College            NH                                  
                               - Fiore, Laura                      Dartmouth College            NH                                  
                                                         Women's Pole Vault                                                         
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                   
                              1 Contursi, Lauren                  Unattached                3.65m 11'11.75                          
                              2 Teamey, Kerry                     Wheaton College (MA)      3.20m 10'06.00                          
                              3 Walker, Shannon                   Air Time Athletics        3.20m 10'06.00                          
                              4 Beck, Betsy                       Unattached                2.90m 9'06.25                           
                              5 LeBeau, Alison                    Holy Cross                2.75m 9'00.25                           
                              6 Purdy, Melissa                    Williams College          2.60m 8'06.25                           
                              7 Vincent, Aurore                   Univ of Sherbrooke        2.60m 8'06.25                           
                              8 Gervais, Guyanne                  St.Jean Olympique         2.44m 8'00.00                           
                              - Menard, Elyse                     Univ of Sherbrooke           NH                                   
                              - Bernier, Trista                   Athletics Canada             NH                                   
                              - Roberts, Becky                    Unattached                   NH                                   
                              - Burr, Alex                        Williston Northampton        NH                                   
                              - Duncan, Laura                     Dartmouth College            NH                                   
                                                         Women's Long Jump                                                          
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                   
                              1 Elechi, Oluchi                    Mercury Alabama Track Clb 6.18m 20'03.50                          
                              2 Mullins, Angela                   Wheaton College (MA)      5.32m 17'05.50                          
                              3 Underwood, Rhonda                 Temple University         5.15m 16'10.75                          
                              4 Leunens, Yoseline                 Univ of Sherbrooke        5.15m 16'10.75                          
                              5 Logan, Amanda                     Vermont                   5.09m 16'08.50                          
                              6 Markey, Nina                      Dartmouth College         5.05m 16'07.00                          
                              7 Bembridge, Nicole                 Unattached                4.93m 16'02.25                          
                              8 Williams, Stacey                  Vermont                   4.84m 15'10.50                          
                              9 Mulcahey, Mary                    Dartmouth College         4.79m 15'08.75                          
                             10 Daniels, Shimera                  Wheaton College (MA)      4.78m 15'08.25                          

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 10 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                   Women's Long Jump (Continued)                                                    
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                   
                             11 Lamontagne, Karine                Sherbrooke Track Club     4.69m 15'04.75                          
                             12 Purdy, Melissa                    Williams College          4.63m 15'02.25                          
                             13 Duncan, Laura                     Dartmouth College         4.31m 14'01.75                          
                                                        Women's Triple Jump                                                         
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              1 Bigras, Brigitte                  McGill Olympic Club       11.80m 38'08.75                         
                              2 Williams, Stacey                  Vermont                   10.88m 35'08.50                         
                              3 Logan, Amanda                     Vermont                   10.71m 35'01.75                         
                              4 Getz, Kate                        Wheaton College (MA)      10.54m 34'07.00                         
                              5 Sullivan, Janna                   Wheaton College (MA)      10.51m 34'05.75                         
                              6 Coutrayer, Elaina                 Vermont                   10.47m 34'04.25                         
                              7 Pascarella, Stephanie             Vermont                   10.24m 33'07.25                         
                              8 Bembridge, Nicole                 Unattached                10.12m 33'02.50                         
                              9 Webber-Bey, Diemosa               Dartmouth College          9.84m 32'03.50                         
                             10 Vincent, Aurore                   Univ of Sherbrooke         9.82m 32'02.75                         
                             11 Huyler, Kate                      Vermont                    9.56m 31'04.50                         
                             12 Danzy, Shannon                    Dartmouth College          9.46m 31'00.50                         
                             13 McKeon, Liz                       Dartmouth College          8.71m 28'07.00                         
                                                          Women's Shot Put                                                          
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              1 Bertholdt, Angela                 Boston Ath. Assoc         14.33m 47'00.25                         
                              2 Elechi, Oluchi                    Mercury Alabama Track Clb 13.58m 44'06.75                         
                              3 Fay, Tara                         U-Mass Lowell             13.01m 42'08.25                         
                              4 Cardlin, Allison                  Dartmouth College         12.91m 42'04.25                         
                              5 Perkins, Beth                     Vermont                   12.63m 41'05.25                         
                              6 London, Carrie                    Vermont                   12.28m 40'03.50                         
                              7 Skelton, Wendy                    Dartmouth College         12.21m 40'00.75                         
                              8 Clarke, Nicole                    Queen's University        12.14m 39'10.00                         
                              9 Pineo, Jennifer                   Wheaton College (MA)      11.61m 38'01.25                         
                             10 Roy, Stephanie                    Colby-Sawyer College      11.51m 37'09.25                         
                             10 Wallin, Lisa                      Wheaton College (MA)      11.51m 37'09.25                         

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 11 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                    Women's Shot Put (Continued)                                                    
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                             12 Guy, Melanie                      Univ of Sherbrooke        11.45m 37'06.75                         
                             13 Welch, Diane                      Unattached                11.29m 37'00.50                         
                             14 Doucet, Christine                 Univ of Sherbrooke        11.27m 36'11.75                         
                             15 Rood, Karen                       Springfield College       11.19m 36'08.50                         
                             16 Mark, Shannon                     Williams College          11.05m 36'03.00                         
                             17 Nichols, Melissa                  U-Mass Lowell             11.02m 36'02.00                         
                             18 Onowho, Amini                     Wheaton College (MA)      10.94m 35'10.75                         
                             19 Huber-Richards, Anne              Williams College          10.90m 35'09.25                         
                             20 Williams, Diane                   Williams College          10.85m 35'07.25                         
                             21 Miller, Cheryl                    Vermont                   10.74m 35'03.00                         
                             22 Hayes, Sarah                      Dartmouth College         10.54m 34'07.00                         
                             23 Crumbia, Melanie                  Temple University         10.51m 34'05.75                         
                             24 Lamontagne, Karine                Sherbrooke Track Club     10.49m 34'05.00                         
                             25 Greenaway, Jen                    Queen's University        10.46m 34'04.00                         
                             26 Littlefield, Linda                Wheaton College (MA)      10.39m 34'01.25                         
                             27 Miller, Kelly                     Dartmouth College         10.20m 33'05.75                         
                             28 Jones, Sarah                      Dartmouth College         10.16m 33'04.00                         
                             29 Leunens, Yoseline                 Univ of Sherbrooke         9.79m 32'01.50                         
                             30 Cole, Hannah                      Queen's University         9.76m 32'00.25                         
                             31 Phibbs, Barb                      Queen's University         9.57m 31'04.75                         
                             32 Farnham, Stephanie                Middlebury College         9.49m 31'01.75                         
                             33 Nowlan, Maureen                   Middlebury College         8.52m 27'11.50                         
                             34 Gebhard, Amy                      Holy Cross                 8.27m 27'01.75                         
                             35 Pannah, Noai                      Temple University          7.83m 25'08.25                         
                                                      Women's Weight Throw 20#                                                      
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              1 Norgren, Anna                     Boston Ath. Assoc         19.21m 63'00.25                         
                              2 Knight, Theresa                   Boston Ath. Assoc         16.78m 55'00.75                         
                              3 Perkins, Beth                     Vermont                   16.17m 53'00.75                         
                              4 Start, Brenda                     Unattached                15.63m 51'03.50                         
                              5 Antkowiak, Alisa                  Dartmouth College         15.52m 50'11.00                         
                              6 Cardlin, Allison                  Dartmouth College         15.39m 50'06.00                         
                              7 Miller, Cheryl                    Vermont                   13.83m 45'04.50                         
                              8 Clarke, Nicole                    Queen's University        13.77m 45'02.25                         
                              9 Skelton, Wendy                    Dartmouth College         13.53m 44'04.75                         
                             10 Hayes, Sarah                      Dartmouth College         13.12m 43'00.50                         

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 12 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                Women's Weight Throw 20# (Continued)                                                
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                             11 Garbowit, Ilana                   Springfield College       13.10m 42'11.75                         
                             12 Guy, Melanie                      Univ of Sherbrooke        12.42m 40'09.00                         
                             13 Belter, Jen                       Vermont                   12.27m 40'03.25                         
                             14 Onowho, Amini                     Wheaton College (MA)      11.98m 39'03.75                         
                             15 Ghanotakis, Elena                 Dartmouth College         11.75m 38'06.75                         
                             16 Nowlan, Maureen                   Middlebury College        11.73m 38'06.00                         
                             17 McGuire, Maggie                   Holy Cross                11.60m 38'00.75                         
                             18 Haarlander, Helen                 Springfield College       11.35m 37'03.00                         
                             19 Greenaway, Jen                    Queen's University        11.31m 37'01.25                         
                             20 Fay, Tara                         U-Mass Lowell             11.23m 36'10.25                         
                             21 Nichols, Melissa                  U-Mass Lowell             11.01m 36'01.50                         
                             22 Cole, Hannah                      Queen's University        10.76m 35'03.75                         
                             23 Rood, Karen                       Springfield College        9.20m 30'02.25                         
                             24 Logue, Christina                  Middlebury College         9.06m 29'08.75                         
                             25 Crumbia, Melanie                  Temple University          9.04m 29'08.00                         
                             26 Farnham, Stephanie                Middlebury College         8.98m 29'05.50                         
                             27 Littlefield, Linda                Wheaton College (MA)       8.67m 28'05.50                         
                              - Pannah, Noai                      Temple University           FOUL                                  
                                                      Women's 1 Mile Race Walk                                                      
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                                
                              ===== ================================= ========================= =======                             
                                  1 Shea, Tara                        Unattached                8:10.30                             
                                  2 Thetreault, Mylene                Sherbrooke Track Club     8:43.52                             
                                  3 Eldredge, Betsy                   Unattached                9:14.47                             
                                                    Men's 40 Yard Dash Football                                                     
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Capeles, Juan                     Boston International      4.87  1                             
                                  2 Gratch, Mike                      Dartmouth Football        5.00  1                             
                                  3 Pumerantz, Erin                   Dartmouth Football        5.01  1                             
                                  4 Dimartino, Derek                  Unattached                5.16  2                             
                                  5 Phelan, Ken                       Dartmouth Football        5.21  2                             
                                  6 Swafford, Kyle                    Dartmouth Football        5.22  3                             

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 13 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                              Men's 40 Yard Dash Football (Continued)                                               
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  6 Roach, Lee                        Dartmouth Football        5.22  4                             
                                  8 Nealon, Trevor                    Dartmouth Football        5.24  2                             
                                  9 Quist, Gordon                     Dartmouth Football        5.30  3                             
                                 10 Lucas, B.J.                       Dartmouth Football        5.32  1                             
                                 11 Coen, Kevin                       Dartmouth Football        5.33  2                             
                                 12 Lerch, Eric                       Dartmouth Football        5.36  4                             
                                 12 DeLellis, Matt                    Dartmouth Football        5.36  2                             
                                 14 Henderson, Kansas                 Dartmouth Football        5.37  1                             
                                 15 Roometz, Damien                   Dartmouth Football        5.41  1                             
                                 15 Rowe, Marcus                      Dartmouth Football        5.41  2                             
                                 17 Hood, Brian                       Dartmouth Football        5.42  4                             
                                 17 Smith, Greg                       Dartmouth Football        5.42  1                             
                                 19 James, Mike                       Dartmouth Football        5.45  2                             
                                 19 Catlin, Tom                       Dartmouth Football        5.45  3                             
                                 21 Walker, Matt                      Dartmouth Football        5.51  5                             
                                 22 Sunger, Gannon                    Dartmouth Football        5.52  3                             
                                 23 Reed, David                       Dartmouth Football        5.53  3                             
                                 24 Edge, Spencer                     Dartmouth Football        5.54  4                             
                                 25 Guynn, Jon                        Dartmouth Football        5.57  6                             
                                 26 Mann, Brian                       Dartmouth Football        5.63  1                             
                                 26 Jarvis, Conor                     Dartmouth Football        5.63  3                             
                                 28 Maimone, Ryan                     Dartmouth Football        5.70  4                             
                                 29 Garrett, Jeff                     Dartmouth Football        5.72  5                             
                                 29 Smith, Seth                       Dartmouth Football        5.72  7                             
                                 31 Dabuzhsky, Ed                     Dartmouth Football        5.73  5                             
                                 32 Falke, Trenton                    Dartmouth Football        5.81  6                             
                                 33 Irwin, Jim                        Dartmouth Football        5.82  6                             
                                 34 Vinci, Joe                        Dartmouth Football        5.83  3                             
                                 35 McGee, Conor                      Dartmouth Football        5.86  5                             
                                 35 Anderson, Dan                     Dartmouth Football        5.86  4                             
                                 37 Graner, Brian                     Dartmouth Football        5.90  7                             
                                 38 Wright, Adam                      Dartmouth Football        5.91  6                             
                                 39 Verastegui, Scott                 Dartmouth Football        5.97  6                             
                                 40 Murphy, Ryan                      Dartmouth Football        6.00  7                             
                                 41 Moore, Caleb                      Dartmouth Football        6.02  7                             
                                 42 Schubring, Cory                   Dartmouth Football        6.08  7                             
                                 43 O'Mara, Sean                      Dartmouth Football        6.10  7                             
                                 44 Urquidez, Tom                     Dartmouth Football        6.12  6                             
                                 45 Fritz, Peter                      Dartmouth Football        6.16  5                             
                                 46 Semegen, Mike                     Dartmouth Football        6.64  7                             

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 14 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                        Men's 55 Meter Dash                                                         
                                              Preliminaries - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                            
                                         16 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat Plus Next 8 Best Times                                         
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Surin, Bruny                      Athletics Canada          6.26  1                             
                                  2 Nicolini, Michael                 Ottawa Lions              6.40  3                             
                                  3 Tavitian, Zaven                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.44  7                             
                                  4 Gilbert, Glenroy                  Ottawa Lions              6.49  4                             
                                  5 Thibaeult, Andre                  Holy Cross                6.51  2                             
                                  6 Jean, Rudolph                     Univ of Sherbrooke        6.53  8                             
                                  7 Fobbs, Derrick                    Athletics Canada          6.66  5                             
                                  8 Gelin, Josias                     Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.70  6                             
                                  9 Grenier, Martin                   Sherbrooke Track Club     6.51  3                             
                                 10 Tucker, Kamal                     Temple University         6.53  7                             
                                 11 Toussaint, Marc                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.55  8                             
                                 12 Houston, Chris                    Wheaton College (MA)      6.58  1                             
                                 13 Afriani, Wladimir                 Haute Performance         6.68  1                             
                                 14 Rabemananjara, Rova               Univ of Sherbrooke        6.71  5                             
                                 15 Exume, Reginald                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.72  8                             
                                 15 Coachman, Dale                    Temple University         6.72  2                             
                                 17 Capeles, Juan                     Boston International      6.73  2                             
                                 18 White, Mike                       Dartmouth College         6.77  3                             
                                 19 Melancon, Dominic                 Patriotes UQTR            6.78  7                             
                                 19 Marounian, Vahe                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.78  3                             
                                 21 French, Loughton                  U-Mass Lowell             6.80  7                             
                                 22 Belfort, Stephane                 Univ of Sherbrooke        6.81  5                             
                                 22 Hoppie, Q                         Queen's University        6.81  1                             
                                 24 Duong, Robert                     Sherbrooke Track Club     6.83  5                             
                                 25 Bowden, Zhanu                     Wheaton College (MA)      6.84  2                             
                                 25 Small, Quinton                    West Island Track Club    6.84  6                             
                                 27 Kelly, J. David                   Queen's University        6.85  8                             
                                 28 Brunaud, Moise                    Univ of Sherbrooke        6.87  6                             
                                 29 Galbreath, Jacob                  Vermont                   6.88  6                             
                                 30 Medved, Justin                    Queen's University        6.91  1                             
                                 31 Chamberland, Eric                 Patriotes UQTR            6.92  4                             
                                 32 Ellis, Ethan                      Dartmouth College         6.94  3                             
                                 32 Gabisi, Najimu                    Boston International      6.94  8                             
                                 34 Leandre, Janhel                   Wheaton College (MA)      6.95  4                             
                                 34 Kiernan, Jeff                     Queen's University        6.95  7                             
                                 36 Araneda, Lisandro                 Sherbrooke Track Club     6.96  5                             
                                 37 Shea, Ryan                        Unattached                6.97  6                             
                                 37 Salley, Rael                      Dartmouth College         6.97  6                             
                                 39 McCourt, Neil                     Queen's University        6.98  1                             
                                 40 Diallo, Alassane                  Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.99  6                             

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 15 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                  Men's 55 Meter Dash (Continued)                                                   
                                              Preliminaries - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                            
                                         16 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat Plus Next 8 Best Times                                         
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                 41 Monirith, Didn                    Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.02  8                             
                                 42 Tyrell, Raphael                   West Island Track Club    7.03  3                             
                                 42 Spiro, Andrew                     Queen's University        7.03  2                             
                                 44 Kelly, Sean                       Queen's University        7.05  1                             
                                 44 Wharton, Brett                    Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.05  4                             
                                 46 Lafleur, Jean-Philipp             Sherbrooke Track Club     7.06  2                             
                                 47 Villeneuve, Frederic              Univ of Sherbrooke        7.08  4                             
                                 48 Cofield, Randy                    Middlebury College        7.16  8                             
                                 49 Diallo, Ibrahima                  Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.20  7                             
                                 50 Giroux, Jean-Philipp              Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.21  6                             
                                 50 Paquette, Olivier                 Univ of Sherbrooke        7.21  5                             
                                 50 Elliott, Rick                     Unattached                7.21  5                             
                                 53 Oven, Nathan                      Wheaton College (MA)      7.35  5                             
                                 54 Ayoub, Amer                       West Island Track Club    7.41  2                             
                                 55 Deitch, Caleb                     Temple University         7.49  7                             
                                 56 Charlotin, Hans                   West Island Track Club    7.51  3                             
                                  - Hemmings, Rohan                   West Island Track Club      FS  7                             
                                               Semi-Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                             
                                         8 Advance: Top 3 Each Heat Plus Next 2 Best Times                                          
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Surin, Bruny                      Athletics Canada          6.20  1                             
                                  2 Nicolini, Michael                 Ottawa Lions              6.35  2                             
                                  3 Thibaeult, Andre                  Holy Cross                6.38  1                             
                                  4 Tavitian, Zaven                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.42  2                             
                                  5 Gilbert, Glenroy                  Ottawa Lions              6.43  1                             
                                  6 Toussaint, Marc                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.45  2                             
                                  7 Grenier, Martin                   Sherbrooke Track Club     6.48  1                             
                                  8 Jean, Rudolph                     Univ of Sherbrooke        6.51  2                             
                                  9 Houston, Chris                    Wheaton College (MA)      6.53  1                             
                                 10 Rabemananjara, Rova               Univ of Sherbrooke        6.54  2                             
                                 11 Tucker, Kamal                     Temple University         6.56  2                             
                                 12 Gelin, Josias                     Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.57  1                             
                                 13 Fobbs, Derrick                    Athletics Canada          6.58  2                             
                                 14 Exume, Reginald                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.63  2                             
                                 14 Afriani, Wladimir                 Haute Performance         6.63  1                             
                                 16 Coachman, Dale                    Temple University         6.94  1                             

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 16 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                               PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                               
                               ===== ================================= ========================= ====                               
                                   1 Surin, Bruny                      Athletics Canada          6.14                               
                                   2 Nicolini, Michael                 Ottawa Lions              6.24                               
                                   3 Thibaeult, Andre                  Holy Cross                6.32                               
                                   4 Gilbert, Glenroy                  Ottawa Lions              6.41                               
                                   5 Jean, Rudolph                     Univ of Sherbrooke        6.44                               
                                   6 Grenier, Martin                   Sherbrooke Track Club     6.48                               
                                   7 Tavitian, Zaven                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 6.51                               
                                   8 Toussaint, Marc                   Montreal Racing Track Clb 7.20                               
                                                        Men's 400 Meter Dash                                                        
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME  HT                             
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ===== ==                             
                                 1 Marchand, Alexandre               Univ of Sherbrooke        48.95  1                             
                                 2 Banks, Winston                    Univ of Sherbrooke        49.34  1                             
                                 3 Sobers, Bruce                     Temple University         49.72  1                             
                                 4 Etienne, John                     Corsaire Chaparal         49.93  2                             
                                 5 Croteau, Simon                    Univ of Sherbrooke        50.89  2                             
                                 6 LoPiccolo, Matt                   Plattsburgh State Univ    50.97  2                             
                                 7 Orosz, Mat                        Dartmouth College         51.09  3                             
                                 8 Horwitz, Yuri                     William & Mary            51.16  1                             
                                 9 Chamberland, Eric                 Patriotes UQTR            51.58  2                             
                                10 Schindelar, Alex                  Dartmouth College         51.82  3                             
                                11 Escalle, Cedric                   Boston Ath. Assoc         51.87  5                             
                                12 Potter, David                     Queen's University        52.10  1                             
                                13 Johnson, Tom                      Vermont                   52.46  3                             
                                14 O'Brien, Matt                     U-Mass Lowell             52.68  5                             
                                15 Sparrow, David                    Dartmouth College         52.74  5                             
                                16 Coachman, Dale                    Temple University         53.12  6                             
                                17 Grossweiler, Brian                Plattsburgh State Univ    53.19  3                             
                                18 Mitchell, Fimo                    Montreal Racing Track Clb 53.21  6                             
                                19 Garran, Clint                     Vermont                   53.40  4                             
                                20 Reynolds, Mark                    Holy Cross                53.62  7                             
                                21 Hemmings, Rohan                   West Island Track Club    53.71  4                             
                                22 Kanter, Tom                       Dartmouth College         53.80  2                             
                                23 Getty, Eric                       Williams College          53.98  6                             
                                24 Molloy, Peter                     U-Mass Lowell             54.11  4                             
                                25 Martiniello, Joe                  Bentley College           54.57  4                             
                                26 Suhlont, Mike                     Williams College          54.90  5                             
                                27 Connors, Ryan                     Dartmouth College         55.01  4                             
                                28 Morency, Jean-Philipp             Univ of Sherbrooke        55.09  2                             

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 17 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                  Men's 400 Meter Dash (Continued)                                                  
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME  HT                             
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ===== ==                             
                                29 Kaye, Jeff                        Williams College          55.53  6                             
                                30 Leavitt, Jeff                     Keene State               56.51  7                             
                                31 Villeneuve, Frederic              Univ of Sherbrooke        56.87  7                             
                                32 O'Sullivan, Michael               Unattached                57.07  6                             
                                33 Ayoub, Amer                       West Island Track Club    58.69  5                             
                                34 May, Colin                        West Island Track Club    59.19  6                             
                                 - Verkey, Chris                     Plattsburgh State Univ      DNF  1                             
                                                        Men's 800 Meter Run                                                         
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                1 Pruett, Parker                    Dartmouth College         1:54.57  1                            
                                2 MacDonald, Scott                  Ottawa Lions              1:56.74  1                            
                                3 McGregor, Chris                   Ottawa Lions              1:57.12  1                            
                                4 Hennessey, Brian                  Williams College          1:57.21  1                            
                                5 Colman, Matt                      Dartmouth College         1:58.43  1                            
                                6 Malo, Marc                        Montreal-Olympique        1:58.65  1                            
                                7 Krass, Ben                        Unattached                1:59.97  1                            
                                8 Deane, George                     Vermont                   2:00.18  1                            
                                9 LaFreniere, Vincent               Montreal-Olympique        2:01.20  2                            
                               10 Bishop, Brian                     Hartford TC, CT           2:01.34  2                            
                               11 Labriola, Brian                   U-Mass Lowell             2:02.15  2                            
                               12 Barresi, John                     Hartford TC, CT           2:02.32  2                            
                               13 Rivard, Scott                     Plattsburgh State Univ    2:03.26  1                            
                               14 O'Sullivan, Michael               Unattached                2:03.51  2                            
                               15 Freeman, Drew                     Queen's University        2:04.78  2                            
                               16 Cate, Greg                        Holy Cross                2:04.93  3                            
                               17 Lowe, Steve                       Bentley College           2:05.00  3                            
                               18 Moody, Krishna                    Middlebury College        2:05.55  3                            
                               19 Johnson, Robert                   Keene State               2:05.56  2                            
                               20 Lewis, Joe                        Middlebury College        2:05.60  3                            
                               21 Doane, Eric                       Vermont                   2:06.93  3                            
                               22 Lambert, Daniel                   Montreal-Olympique        2:07.75  3                            
                               23 Warshaw, Chris                    Williams College          2:08.15  3                            
                               24 Wright, Jason                     U-Mass Lowell             2:08.97  2                            
                               25 Francis, Tim                      Queen's University        2:10.04  2                            
                               26 Grant, Kevin                      Vermont                   2:10.58  3                            
                               27 Shapiro, Jack                     Bentley College           2:11.38  3                            

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 18 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                          Men's 1 Mile Run                                                          
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                1 MacDonald, Scott                  Ottawa Lions              4:11.99  1                            
                                2 McGregor, Chris                   Ottawa Lions              4:12.39  1                            
                                3 Lombardo, Brian                   Unattached                4:19.47  1                            
                                4 Debardi, Stephen                  Montreal-Olympique        4:19.95  1                            
                                5 Brady, Shawn                      Queen's University        4:22.83  1                            
                                6 Booth, Chris                      Queen's University        4:23.22  1                            
                                7 Porter, Jason                     Unattached                4:23.24  1                            
                                8 Perez, Wilson                     Keene State               4:24.73  1                            
                                9 Li, Yueng                         Williams College          4:25.62  1                            
                               10 Nunn, Jermey                      Temple University         4:26.96  1                            
                               11 Blouin, Daniel                    Montreal-Olympique        4:27.42  2                            
                               12 Slonik, Jay                       Williams College          4:28.73  2                            
                               13 Krass, Ben                        Unattached                4:30.77  2                            
                               14 Dickerson, Chris                  Unattached                4:31.99  2                            
                               15 Harlow, Reed                      Williams College          4:32.79  2                            
                               16 Rubio, Ivan                       Montreal-Olympique        4:36.58  3                            
                               17 Leet, Mitch                       Colby-Sawyer College      4:36.76  3                            
                               18 Ward, Colin                       Queen's University        4:38.42  3                            
                               19 Barr, Eric                        Middlebury College        4:39.49  3                            
                               20 Maschesino, Doug                  Temple University         4:39.51  2                            
                               21 Hirshey, Matt                     Vermont                   4:41.27  3                            
                               22 Lohmann, Corin                    Queen's University        4:43.97  2                            
                               23 Demsey, Philip                    Queen's University        4:44.19  2                            
                               24 Dunbar, Travis                    Colby-Sawyer College      4:48.33  3                            
                               25 Callahan, Matt                    Wheaton College (MA)      4:49.75  2                            
                               26 Minekime, Nick                    Williams College          4:52.37  3                            
                               27 Sullivan, Brendan                 Montreal-Olympique        4:54.17  3                            
                               28 Demella, Mike                     Bentley College           4:55.29  3                            
                               29 May, Colin                        West Island Track Club    5:10.25  3                            
                               30 Perkins, Rob                      Bentley College           5:30.00  3                            
                                                       Men's 3,000 Meter Run                                                        
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                1 Alsdorf, Paul                     Williams College          8:35.65  1                            
                                2 Mello, Gary                       Bentley College           8:47.00  1                            
                                3 Klinedinst, Brad                  U-Mass Lowell             8:56.80  1                            
                                4 Zaghry, Hassan                    Univ of Sherbrooke        8:57.85  1                            

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 19 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                 Men's 3,000 Meter Run (Continued)                                                  
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                            PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME    HT                            
                            ===== ================================= ========================= ======= ==                            
                                5 Gonzales, Luke                    Dartmouth College         8:59.21  1                            
                                6 Berger, Godfrey                   Keene State               8:59.35  2                            
                                7 Maloney, Mike                     Greater Lowell Track Club 9:02.67  2                            
                                8 McCue, Dan                        Williams College          9:03.65  1                            
                                9 Barden, Brendan                   Vermont                   9:06.92  2                            
                               10 Zawistowski, Kyle                 Keene State               9:15.44  2                            
                               11 Pagliuco, Chris                   Keene State               9:15.63  1                            
                               12 Cote, Dannick                     Univ of Sherbrooke        9:20.59  1                            
                               13 Sullivan, Matt                    U-Mass Lowell             9:22.41  1                            
                               14 Keegan, Patrick                   Unattached                9:22.53  2                            
                               15 Hutchinson, Geoff                 Williams College          9:24.73  1                            
                               16 Sardes, Mark                      Plattsburgh State Univ    9:30.74  2                            
                               17 Katz, Ben                         Vermont                   9:36.79  2                            
                               18 Maher, Mike                       U-Mass Lowell             9:37.03  1                            
                               19 Chaffee, Ben                      Williams College          9:41.99  2                            
                               20 Drowne, Jeremy                    Plattsburgh State Univ    9:43.49  2                            
                               21 Fox-Boyd, Michael                 Unattached                9:58.47  2                            
                                - Gobeil, Jimmy                     Univ of Sherbrooke            DNF  1                            
                                - Peterson, Anders                  Unattached                    DNF  2                            
                                                       Men's 5,000 Meter Run                                                        
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                                 
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ========                             
                                 1 Lopez, Dusty                      Williams College          15:37.54                             
                                 2 Gingras, Joe                      Vermont                   15:44.09                             
                                 3 Caveney, Derek                    Queen's University        15:57.31                             
                                 4 Koch, Dennis                      Unattached                16:29.55                             
                                 5 Sullivan, Paul                    Holy Cross                16:44.05                             
                                 6 Santoro, Tom                      Middlebury College        16:49.41                             
                                                    Men's 55 Meter High Hurdles                                                     
                                              Preliminaries - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                            
                                        16 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat Plus Next 10 Best Times                                         
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Johnston, Greg                    Dartmouth College         7.57  1                             

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 20 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                              Men's 55 Meter High Hurdles (Continued)                                               
                                              Preliminaries - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                            
                                        16 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat Plus Next 10 Best Times                                         
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  2 Etienne, John                     Corsaire Chaparal         7.80  3                             
                                  3 Fowler, Lucas                     Dartmouth College         8.05  2                             
                                  4 Thenault, Francois                Univ of Sherbrooke        8.04  1                             
                                  5 Marsters, Luke                    Wheaton College (MA)      8.11  3                             
                                  6 Gabisi, Najimu                    Boston International      8.30  2                             
                                  7 Kelly, J. David                   Queen's University        8.07  1                             
                                  8 Boyer, Andrew                     Middlebury College        8.20  3                             
                                  8 Rossier, Ed                       Williams College          8.20  1                             
                                 10 Livingston, LeVaur                Dartmouth College         8.35  3                             
                                 11 Collier, Eric                     Vermont                   8.37  1                             
                                 12 Mateja, Jeff                      Bentley College           8.45  2                             
                                 13 Hinds, Scott                      Holy Cross                8.47  2                             
                                 14 Lundell, Jamie                    Wheaton College (MA)      8.50  2                             
                                 15 Kelly, Sean                       Queen's University        8.53  1                             
                                 16 Getty, Eric                       Williams College          8.64  3                             
                                 17 Nadeau, John                      Keene State               8.72  3                             
                                               Semi-Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                             
                                         8 Advance: Top 3 Each Heat Plus Next 2 Best Times                                          
                              PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME HT                             
                              ===== ================================= ========================= ==== ==                             
                                  1 Johnston, Greg                    Dartmouth College         7.57  1                             
                                  2 Etienne, John                     Corsaire Chaparal         7.84  2                             
                                  3 Rossier, Ed                       Williams College          8.02  1                             
                                  4 Fowler, Lucas                     Dartmouth College         8.04  2                             
                                  5 Boyer, Andrew                     Middlebury College        8.07  1                             
                                  6 Kelly, J. David                   Queen's University        8.09  2                             
                                  7 Marsters, Luke                    Wheaton College (MA)      8.10  1                             
                                  8 Gabisi, Najimu                    Boston International      8.15  2                             
                                  9 Livingston, LeVaur                Dartmouth College         8.23  2                             
                                 10 Mateja, Jeff                      Bentley College           8.35  1                             
                                 11 Getty, Eric                       Williams College          8.50  1                             
                                 11 Lundell, Jamie                    Wheaton College (MA)      8.50  2                             
                                 13 Kelly, Sean                       Queen's University        8.51  2                             
                                 14 Hinds, Scott                      Holy Cross                8.60  1                             

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 21 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                               PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                               
                               ===== ================================= ========================= ====                               
                                   1 Johnston, Greg                    Dartmouth College         7.42                               
                                   2 Etienne, John                     Corsaire Chaparal         7.66                               
                                   3 Fowler, Lucas                     Dartmouth College         7.91                               
                                   4 Kelly, J. David                   Queen's University        7.94                               
                                   5 Gabisi, Najimu                    Boston International      7.95                               
                                   6 Rossier, Ed                       Williams College          8.02                               
                                   7 Marsters, Luke                    Wheaton College (MA)      8.08                               
                                   8 Boyer, Andrew                     Middlebury College        8.12                               
                                                      Men's 4x200 Meter Relay                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                        PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME    HT                                       
                                        =====  =================================== ======= ==                                       
                                            1  ATCA      Athletics Canada          1:28.85  2                                       
                                            2  SRBU      Univ of Sherbrooke        1:29.53  1                                       
                                            3  TEMP      Temple University         1:29.95  2                                       
                                            4  SHER      Sherbrooke Track Club     1:33.48  1                                       
                                            5  LOWL      U-Mass Lowell             1:34.35  1                                       
                                            6  WITC      West Island Track Club    1:35.02  1                                       
                                            7  HOLY      Holy Cross                1:35.09  2                                       
                                            8  QUEE      Queen's University        1:35.71  1                                       
                                            9  HAN       Hanover AC                1:40.13  1                                       
                                                      Men's 4x400 Meter Relay                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                        PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME    HT                                       
                                        =====  =================================== ======= ==                                       
                                            1  TEMP      Temple University         3:18.72  1                                       
                                            2  SRBU      Univ of Sherbrooke        3:19.07  1                                       
                                            3  DART      Dartmouth College         3:25.00  1                                       
                                            4  LOWL      U-Mass Lowell             3:28.74  1                                       
                                            5  TEMP "B"  Temple University         3:31.30  2                                       
                                            6  QUEE      Queen's University        3:33.69  1                                       
                                            7  WHEA "B"  Wheaton College (MA)      3:34.36  2                                       
                                            8  MONT      Montreal-Olympique        3:45.37  2                                       
                                            9  WHEA      Wheaton College (MA)      3:45.70  2                                       

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 22 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                      Men's 4x800 Meter Relay                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                         PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                                            
                                         =====  =================================== =======                                         
                                             1  LOWL      U-Mass Lowell             7:52.96                                         
                                             2  BENT      Bentley College           8:02.25                                         
                                             3  DART      Dartmouth College         8:04.31                                         
                                             4  MONT      Montreal-Olympique        8:04.41                                         
                                             5  SRBU      Univ of Sherbrooke        8:30.99                                         
                                                       Men's Distance Medley                                                        
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                                         PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                                            
                                         =====  =================================== ========                                        
                                             1  LOWL      U-Mass Lowell             10:33.58                                        
                                             2  WILL      Williams College          10:36.88                                        
                                             3  WILL "B"  Williams College          10:46.80                                        
                                             4  QUEE      Queen's University        10:48.49                                        
                                             5  PLAT      Plattsburgh State Univ    11:11.23                                        
                                             6  HOLY      Holy Cross                11:17.68                                        
                                                          Men's High Jump                                                           
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                           PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                   
                           ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                  
                               1 Major, Nimrod                     Queen's University        2.03m 6'08.00                          
                               2 Mahon, Sean                       Boston Ath. Assoc         2.03m 6'08.00                          
                               3 Schleicher, Jay                   Dartmouth College         2.03m 6'08.00                          
                               4 Kelley, Sean                      Bentley College           1.98m 6'06.00                          
                               5 Johnson, Joe                      Wheaton College (MA)      1.98m 6'06.00                          
                               6 Griggs, Justin                    Dartmouth College         1.93m 6'04.00                          
                               7 Reynolds, Mark                    Holy Cross                1.93m 6'04.00                          
                               8 Greenbridge, Raheim               Wheaton College (MA)      1.93m 6'04.00                          
                               9 Choiniere, Randy                  Dartmouth College         1.93m 6'04.00                          
                              10 Booth, Matt                       Wheaton College (MA)      1.88m 6'02.00                          
                               - Nadeau, John                      Keene State                  NH                                  
                               - Wasserman, Henry                  Unattached                   NH                                  

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 23 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                          Men's Pole Vault                                                          
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                   
                              1 Drummey, Mike                     Unattached                5.20m 17'00.75                          
                              2 Thenault, Francois                Univ of Sherbrooke        5.00m 16'04.75                          
                              3 Dixon, Andy                       Middlebury College        4.45m 14'07.25                          
                              4 Williams, Jeff                    Southern Connecticut      4.45m 14'07.25                          
                              5 Robertson, Joe                    Holy Cross                4.15m 13'07.25                          
                              6 Warner, Reid                      Dartmouth College         4.00m 13'01.50                          
                              - Douglas, Tom                      Williams College             NH                                   
                              - Courteau, Ambroise                Montreal International       NH                                   
                                                          Men's Long Jump                                                           
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= =====                                   
                              1 Smith, Taylor                     Dartmouth College         6.79m 22'03.50                          
                              2 Greenbridge, Raheim               Wheaton College (MA)      6.77m 22'02.50                          
                              3 Madueme, Chike                    Queen's University        6.69m 21'11.50                          
                              4 Smith, Raymond                    Wheaton College (MA)      6.58m 21'07.25                          
                              5 Cloutier, Nathan                  Vermont                   6.18m 20'03.50                          
                              6 Salley, Rael                      Dartmouth College         6.14m 20'01.75                          
                              7 Olbrot, Chris                     U-Mass Lowell             6.02m 19'09.00                          
                              8 Charlotin, Hans                   West Island Track Club    5.89m 19'04.00                          
                              9 Warner, Reid                      Dartmouth College         5.86m 19'02.75                          
                             10 Wong, Alex                        Williams College          5.62m 18'05.25                          
                             11 Ayoub, Amer                       West Island Track Club    5.13m 16'10.00                          
                                                         Men's Triple Jump                                                          
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              1 Madueme, Chike                    Queen's University        14.62m 47'11.75                         
                              2 Long, Ray                         Dartmouth College         13.68m 44'10.75                         
                              3 Cooper, Aaron                     Unattached                13.35m 43'09.75                         
                              4 Olbrot, Chris                     U-Mass Lowell             13.30m 43'07.75                         
                              5 Shaver, Adam                      Queen's University        13.15m 43'01.75                         
                              6 Smith, Raymond                    Wheaton College (MA)      13.13m 43'01.00                         
                              7 Wong, Alex                        Williams College          12.25m 40'02.25                         
                              8 Wong, Sydney                      Wheaton College (MA)      12.18m 39'11.50                         

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 24 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                   Men's Triple Jump (Continued)                                                    
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              9 Choiniere, Randy                  Dartmouth College         11.94m 39'02.25                         
                              - Salley, Rael                      Dartmouth College           FOUL                                  
                                                           Men's Shot Put                                                           
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              1 Nelson, Adam                      Unattached                19.84m 65'01.25                         
                              2 McDermott, Art                    Unattached                16.52m 54'02.50                         
                              3 Guilmette, Jeff                   Vermont                   16.33m 53'07.00                         
                              4 Stuhlsantz, Dave                  Williams College          15.38m 50'05.50                         
                              5 Nastou, Ben                       Dartmouth College         15.11m 49'07.00                         
                              6 Pockoski, Michael                 Worcester Polytech        14.51m 47'07.25                         
                              7 Pasho, Peter                      Dartmouth College         14.10m 46'03.25                         
                              8 Thorne, Mike                      Queen's University        13.80m 45'03.50                         
                              9 Wallin, John                      Southern Connecticut      13.74m 45'01.00                         
                             10 Feree, Andrew                     Wheaton College (MA)      13.64m 44'09.00                         
                             11 Shaw, Steven                      Temple University         13.54m 44'05.25                         
                             12 Melaney, Michael                  Queen's University        13.47m 44'02.50                         
                             13 Lemieux, Stephen                  Queen's University        13.34m 43'09.25                         
                             14 McDaniel, Jeff                    Dartmouth College         12.90m 42'04.00                         
                             15 Hermer, Marc                      Dartmouth College         12.78m 41'11.25                         
                             16 Shepard, Brian                    U-Mass Lowell             12.77m 41'10.75                         
                             17 Shaffer, Chris                    U-Mass Lowell             12.70m 41'08.00                         
                             18 Cotter, William                   Unattached                12.62m 41'05.00                         
                             19 Blackstone, Bob                   Williams College          12.48m 40'11.50                         
                             20 Benware, Jason                    Unattached                12.01m 39'05.00                         
                             21 Graner, Brian                     Dartmouth Football        11.36m 37'03.25                         
                             22 Lemieux, James                    U-Mass Lowell              9.75m 32'00.00                         
                                                       Men's Weight Throw 35#                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              1 McGehearty, Mark                  New York Athletic Club    21.08m 69'02.00                         
                              2 Bourque, Daniel                   New York Athletic Club    20.81m 68'03.25                         
                              3 Pockoski, Michael                 Worcester Polytech        18.62m 61'01.25                         

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                                                       30th Dartmouth Relays                                                Page 25 
                                                        Leverone Field House                                                        
                         Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - Friday January 8, 1999 to Sunday January 10, 1999                         
                                                   COMPLETE RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                                                    
                                                 Men's Weight Throw 35# (Continued)                                                 
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                          PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    MARK                                    
                          ===== ================================= ========================= ======                                  
                              4 Sutherland, Bill                  Commonwealth AC           17.67m 57'11.75                         
                              5 Nastou, Ben                       Dartmouth College         17.30m 56'09.25                         
                              6 Welch, Joe                        Unattached                16.10m 52'10.00                         
                              7 McGregor, Shaun                   Dartmouth College         15.94m 52'03.75                         
                              8 Cotter, William                   Unattached                14.54m 47'08.50                         
                              9 Pasho, Peter                      Dartmouth College         14.35m 47'01.00                         
                             10 Marino, Ken                       Holy Cross                14.29m 46'10.75                         
                             11 Feree, Andrew                     Wheaton College (MA)      13.97m 45'10.00                         
                             12 Shaw, Steven                      Temple University         13.90m 45'07.25                         
                             13 Dreiblatt, Adam                   Middlebury College        13.85m 45'05.25                         
                             14 Campenelli, Matt                  Williams College          13.63m 44'08.75                         
                             15 Consigli, Adam                    Middlebury College        13.39m 43'11.25                         
                             16 McDaniel, Jeff                    Dartmouth College         13.13m 43'01.00                         
                             17 Benware, Jason                    Unattached                12.85m 42'02.00                         
                             18 Melaney, Michael                  Queen's University        12.57m 41'03.00                         
                             19 Shaffer, Chris                    U-Mass Lowell             12.41m 40'08.75                         
                             20 Thibaeult, Andre                  Holy Cross                12.11m 39'08.75                         
                             21 Lemieux, Stephen                  Queen's University        11.75m 38'06.75                         
                             22 Hermer, Marc                      Dartmouth College         11.60m 38'00.75                         
                             23 Shepard, Brian                    U-Mass Lowell             11.13m 36'06.25                         
                             24 Roberts, Jeff                     Keene State               10.57m 34'08.25                         
                             25 Lemieux, James                    U-Mass Lowell              7.77m 25'06.00                         
                              - Hammond, James                    Worcester Polytech          FOUL                                  
                                                       Men's 2 Mile Race Walk                                                       
                                                 Finals - Results  - Sunday 01/10/99                                                
                             PLACE ATHLETE NAME                      SCHOOL                    TIME                                 
                             ===== ================================= ========================= ========                             
                                 1 Dunn, Malcolm                     Unattached                17:15.55                             
                                 2 Fortin, Toby                      Sherbrooke Track Club     17:56.01                             
                                 3 Rydjeski, Dennis                  Unattached                22:58.23