Licensed to Ottawa Lions T&F Club     HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2023-06-19 10:05 PM
             OCSB West Track and Field Championships - 2022-06-15              
                           Ottawa Lions Timing Team                            
                          Terry Fox Athletic Facility                          
Girls 100 Meter Dash Novice
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           15.70Q  2 
  2 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               16.00Q  3 
  3 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             16.04Q  4 
  4 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          16.05Q  5 
  5 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              16.54Q  1 
  6 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              16.09q  2 
  7 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              16.21q  5 
  8 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                16.55q  3 
  9 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           16.59   1 
 10 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           16.67   3 
 11 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         16.78   2 
 12 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            16.89   1 
 13 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             16.90   4 
 14 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 16.94   2  16.931
 15 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           16.94   2  16.932
 16 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            16.99   4 
 17 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            17.12   4 
 18 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          17.16   5 
 19 St. George, .                St. George               17.21   1 
 20 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               17.24   1 
 21 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                17.35   4 
 22 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           17.45   2 
 23 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              17.51   5 
 24 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              17.56   1 
 25 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               17.66   4 
 26 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               17.71   2 
 27 St. James, .                 St. James                17.75   5 
 28 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          18.16   5 
 29 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            18.22   1 
 30 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 18.23   3 
 31 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            18.30   4 
 32 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          19.06   3 
 33 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            19.59   3 
 34 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              19.71   3 
Girls 100 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           15.45  
  2 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          15.77  
  2 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               15.77  
  4 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              16.27  
  5 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              16.42  
  6 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              16.43  
  7 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             16.50  
  8 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                16.96  
Girls 200 Meter Dash Novice
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                33.07Q  4 
  2 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           33.26Q  2 
  3 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              34.09Q  5 
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              34.43Q  1 
  5 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                35.19Q  3 
  6 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            34.60q  1 
  7 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 34.67q  2 
  8 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              34.80q  5 
  9 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              34.98   1 
 10 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          35.02   5 
 11 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            35.32   4 
 12 St. George, .                St. George               35.63   1 
 13 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           35.64   2 
 14 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           35.68   3 
 15 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         35.88   2 
 16 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            36.03   3 
 17 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               36.45   1 
 18 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               36.50   4 
 19 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 36.62   3 
 20 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           36.67   2 
 21 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              37.11   2 
 22 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             37.45   4 
 23 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          37.66   5 
 24 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            37.67   4 
 25 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               38.00   3 
 26 St. James, .                 St. James                38.13   5 
 27 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          39.65   3 
 28 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            39.94   4 
 29 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               40.18   2 
 30 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             40.61   4 
 31 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              41.79   3 
 32 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           42.16   1 
 33 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          43.00   5 
 34 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            46.17   1 
Girls 200 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                31.87  
  2 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           32.09  
  3 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              33.02  
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              33.91  
  5 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 34.04  
  6 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                34.96  
  7 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              35.28  
  8 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            39.50  
Girls 400 Meter Run Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  H#
  1 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A         1:14.50   2 
  2 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F          1:16.58   3 
  3 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily              1:16.97   3 
  4 St. Philip, .                St. Philip             1:19.16   3 
  5 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels        1:19.19   5 
  6 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia            1:19.50   1 
  7 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel              1:19.66   4 
  8 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel            1:21.44   1 
  9 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen            1:21.76   5 
 10 St. George, .                St. George             1:21.98   1 
 11 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C        1:22.12   5 
 12 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P          1:23.42   4 
 13 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit            1:23.67   5 
 14 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin             1:24.15   4 
 15 St. James, .                 St. James              1:26.09   5 
 16 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict           1:26.31   4 
 17 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne               1:26.50   2 
 18 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke               1:27.22   3 
 19 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin           1:28.93   4 
 20 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi         1:29.32   2 
 21 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier         1:30.23   3 
 22 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii         1:32.98   1 
 23 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew             1:33.09   1 
 24 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A        1:34.52   3 
 25 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald       1:34.81   2 
 26 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel             1:37.36   2 
 27 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L          1:37.72   1 
 28 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer          1:37.73   4 
 29 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul         1:40.17   2 
 30 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth          1:40.84   4 
 31 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V          1:42.58   1 
 32 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony            1:49.48   3 
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Novice
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 St. Cecilia  'A'                                    1:05.16   1 
  2 Guardian Angels  'A'                                1:05.42   5 
  3 St. Philip  'A'                                     1:05.52   3 
  4 St. Emily  'A'                                      1:06.37   3 
  5 Holy Redeemer  'A'                                  1:06.42   4 
  6 St. Stephen  'A'                                    1:06.81   5 
  7 St. Gabriel  'A'                                    1:08.07   1 
  8 Our Lady of Peace  'A'                              1:08.20   4 
  9 St. George  'A'                                     1:08.23   1 
 10 Holy Spirit  'A'                                    1:08.34   5 
 11 St. James  'A'                                      1:08.50   5 
 12 Dr. F. J. McDonald  'A'                             1:09.51   2 
 13 St. Augustine  'A'                                  1:09.59   4 
 14 St. Anthony  'A'                                    1:09.78   3 
 15 St. Luke  'A'                                       1:09.88   3 
 16 St. John the Apostle  'A'                           1:10.48   2 
 17 St. Daniel  'A'                                     1:10.89   2 
 18 Our Lady of Fatima  'A'                             1:11.06   3 
 19 St. Michael - Corkey  'A'                           1:11.07   5 
 19 St. Isabel  'A'                                     1:11.07   4 
 21 St. Elizabeth  'A'                                  1:11.79   4 
 22 St. Andrew  'A'                                     1:12.01   1 
 23 St. Martin de Porres  'A'                           1:12.28   4 
 24 St. Anne  'A'                                       1:12.47   2 
 25 St. John Xxiii  'A'                                 1:13.30   1 
 26 St. Michael - Fitzroy  'A'                          1:13.32   5 
 27 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton  'A'                        1:13.79   3 
 28 St. Patrick  'A'                                    1:13.89   2 
 29 St. Benedict  'A'                                   1:13.97   4  1:09.565
 30 St. Rose of Lima  'A'                               1:14.26   1 
 31 Monsignor Paul Baxter  'A'                          1:14.67   2 
 32 Our Lady of Victory  'A'                            1:21.95   1 
 33 Georges Vanier  'A'                                 1:22.07   3 
Girls High Jump Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              1.42m  
  2 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         1.42m  
  3 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            1.35m  
  4 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                1.30m  
  4 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             1.30m  
  6 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          1.20m  
  6 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           1.20m  
  6 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              1.20m  
  6 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 1.20m  
 -- Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V             FAIL  
 -- St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                 FAIL  
Girls Long Jump Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              3.46m  
  2 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          3.41m  
  3 St. George, .                St. George               3.38m  
  4 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              3.25m  
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              3.25m  
  6 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           3.24m  
  7 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               3.16m  
  8 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 3.12m  
  9 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           2.94m  
 10 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            2.93m  
 11 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            2.91m  
 12 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              2.82m  
 13 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            2.80m  
 14 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              2.78m  
 15 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          2.72m  
 15 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                2.72m  
 15 St. James, .                 St. James                2.72m  
 18 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          2.71m  
 19 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               2.70m  
 20 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          2.68m  
 21 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           2.59m  
 22 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             2.53m  
 23 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            2.48m  
 24 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            2.43m  
 25 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               2.42m  
 26 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                2.37m  
 27 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            2.31m  
 28 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              2.23m  
 29 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 2.22m  
 30 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           1.73m  
Girls Other Ball Throw Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Philip, .                St. Philip              31.94m  
  2 St. James, .                 St. James               31.40m  
  3 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer           28.05m  
  4 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel               26.65m  
  5 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul          24.80m  
  6 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth           24.54m  
  7 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel             23.09m  
  8 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia             22.19m  
  9 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict            22.16m  
 10 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels         21.70m  
 11 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P           21.50m  
 12 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily               21.38m  
 13 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C         21.24m  
 14 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew              20.37m  
 15 St. George, .                St. George              20.24m  
 16 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                19.51m  
 17 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit             19.41m  
 18 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V           19.40m  
 19 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen             18.91m  
 20 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier          18.44m  
 21 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F           17.89m  
 22 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin            17.12m  
 23 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A         16.43m  
 24 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L           15.75m  
 25 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F         15.54m  
 26 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A          14.89m  
 27 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin              14.80m  
 28 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald        14.63m  
 29 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick             14.62m  
 30 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                13.85m  
 31 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi          13.22m  
 32 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii          12.15m  
 33 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony             11.97m  
 34 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel              10.32m  
Girls 100 Meter Dash Intermediate
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              14.55Q  2 
  2 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            15.14Q  3 
  3 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              15.18Q  1 
  4 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            15.39Q  4 
  5 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          15.63Q  5 
  6 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                15.52q  3 
  7 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          15.59q  3  15.583
  8 St. George, .                St. George               15.59q  1  15.584
  9 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               15.59   2  15.586
 10 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              15.67   5 
 11 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               15.68   1 
 12 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               15.73   4 
 13 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                15.74   4 
 14 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 15.75   2 
 15 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             15.78   4 
 16 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            15.79   4 
 17 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           15.85   3  15.849
 18 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              15.85   1  15.850
 19 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           15.91   2 
 20 St. James, .                 St. James                15.95   5 
 21 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          16.02   5 
 22 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            16.09   4 
 23 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              16.13   5 
 24 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             16.14   4 
 25 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          16.24   5 
 26 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           16.32   2 
 27 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 16.39   3 
 28 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               16.53   3 
 29 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            16.67   1 
 30 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         16.70   2 
 31 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           16.95   1 
 32 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           17.53   2 
 33 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              18.91   3 
Girls 100 Meter Dash Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              14.29  
  2 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            14.79  
  3 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              14.83  
  4 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          14.90  
  5 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            15.09  
  6 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                15.16  
  7 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          15.35  
  8 St. George, .                St. George               15.41  
Girls 200 Meter Dash Intermediate
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           30.74Q  2 
  2 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          31.82Q  5 
  3 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             32.02Q  4 
  4 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                32.17Q  3 
  5 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              32.29Q  1 
  6 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 30.96q  2 
  7 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                32.19q  4 
  8 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          32.21q  5 
  9 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           32.58   3 
 10 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              32.59   5 
 11 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            32.74   3 
 12 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              33.30   5 
 13 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               33.33   4 
 14 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             33.45   4 
 15 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           33.48   2 
 16 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            33.63   4 
 17 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            33.75   4 
 18 St. James, .                 St. James                34.22   5 
 19 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               34.24   1 
 20 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              34.50   2 
 21 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            34.58   4 
 22 St. George, .                St. George               34.68   1 
 23 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 34.96   3 
 24 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         35.37   2 
 25 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              35.49   1 
 26 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               36.75   3 
 27 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          36.79   3 
 28 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           36.80   2 
 29 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            37.48   1 
 30 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          39.30   5 
 31 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               39.44   2 
 32 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           41.35   1 
 33 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              43.32   3 
 34 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            47.51   1 
Girls 200 Meter Dash Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 29.87  
  2 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           30.31  
  3 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             30.82  
  4 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                30.93  
  5 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              31.07  
  6 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          31.24  
  7 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          31.35  
Girls 400 Meter Run Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  H#
  1 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin           1:10.81   4 
  2 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily              1:11.29   3 
  3 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels        1:12.59   5 
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia            1:12.78   1 
  5 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel              1:12.90   4 
  6 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A        1:13.02   3 
  7 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C        1:13.90   5 
  8 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F          1:14.86   3 
  9 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick            1:15.76   2 
 10 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne               1:16.18   2 
 11 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel            1:16.45   1 
 12 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii         1:17.04   1 
 13 St. George, .                St. George             1:18.55   1 
 14 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit            1:18.74   5 
 15 St. James, .                 St. James              1:19.06   5 
 16 St. Philip, .                St. Philip             1:20.80   3 
 17 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer          1:21.11   4 
 18 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi         1:22.44   2 
 19 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen            1:23.37   5 
 20 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier         1:23.54   3 
 21 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul         1:23.84   2 
 22 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict           1:23.95   4 
 23 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth          1:24.38   4 
 24 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald       1:25.44   2 
 25 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A         1:26.63   2 
 26 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin             1:26.77   4 
 27 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke               1:26.98   3 
 28 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew             1:30.31   1 
 29 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel             1:34.10   2 
 30 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V          1:35.30   1 
 31 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony            1:47.49   3 
 32 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L          1:56.47   1 
 33 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P          2:03.50   4 
 -- St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F            DNF   5 
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Intermediate
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 St. Cecilia  'A'                                    1:00.22   1 
  2 Guardian Angels  'A'                                1:01.27   5 
  3 St. Stephen  'A'                                    1:01.54   5 
  4 St. Michael - Corkey  'A'                           1:01.58   5 
  5 St. Emily  'A'                                      1:02.42   3 
  6 St. Luke  'A'                                       1:02.45   3 
  7 St. Patrick  'A'                                    1:02.51   2 
  8 St. Augustine  'A'                                  1:02.91   4 
  9 Holy Redeemer  'A'                                  1:03.06   4 
 10 Holy Spirit  'A'                                    1:03.25   5 
 11 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton  'A'                        1:03.31   3 
 12 Corpus Christi  'A'                                 1:03.34   2 
 13 St. John the Apostle  'A'                           1:03.37   2 
 14 St. George  'A'                                     1:03.44   1 
 15 Monsignor Paul Baxter  'A'                          1:03.54   2 
 16 St. James  'A'                                      1:03.78   5 
 17 St. Gabriel  'A'                                    1:04.14   1 
 18 St. Benedict  'A'                                   1:04.26   4 
 19 Georges Vanier  'A'                                 1:04.31   3 
 20 St. Martin de Porres  'A'                           1:04.55   4 
 21 St. Isabel  'A'                                     1:04.63   4 
 22 St. Philip  'A'                                     1:05.75   3 
 23 Our Lady of Peace  'A'                              1:05.91   4 
 24 St. Andrew  'A'                                     1:06.18   1 
 25 St. Anne  'A'                                       1:06.19   2 
 26 Our Lady of Fatima  'A'                             1:06.83   3 
 27 St. Elizabeth  'A'                                  1:07.85   4 
 28 St. Daniel  'A'                                     1:07.92   2 
 29 Dr. F. J. McDonald  'A'                             1:08.38   2 
 30 St. John Xxiii  'A'                                 1:08.82   1 
 31 Our Lady of Victory  'A'                            1:09.37   1 
 32 St. Rose of Lima  'A'                               1:10.17   1 
 33 St. Michael - Fitzroy  'A'                          1:12.48   5 
 34 St. Anthony  'A'                                    1:16.49   3 
Girls High Jump Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              1.24m  
  2 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            1.22m  
  3 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           1.15m  
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              1.15m  
  5 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                1.15m  
  6 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                1.10m  
  6 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           1.10m  
  6 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         1.10m  
  6 St. George, .                St. George               1.10m  
  6 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 1.10m  
 11 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             1.00m  
 11 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            1.00m  
 -- Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels           FAIL  
Girls Long Jump Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              4.22m  
  2 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         3.98m  
  3 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              3.81m  
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              3.73m  
  5 St. James, .                 St. James                3.65m  
  6 St. George, .                St. George               3.54m  
  7 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           3.46m  
  8 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          3.45m  
  9 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          3.44m  
 10 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               3.40m  
 11 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          3.35m  
 12 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               3.30m  
 13 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           3.20m  
 13 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              3.20m  
 15 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               3.15m  
 15 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                3.15m  
 17 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               3.12m  
 18 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             3.09m  
 19 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            3.05m  
 20 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           3.00m  
 20 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            3.00m  
 22 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 2.98m  
 23 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            2.95m  
 24 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            2.90m  
 24 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                2.90m  
 26 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          2.88m  
 27 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            2.80m  
 27 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 2.80m  
 29 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           2.73m  
 30 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              2.69m  
 31 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              2.05m  
 32 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            1.75m  
Girls Other Ball Throw Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick             32.92m  
  2 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels         32.85m  
  3 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel              32.60m  
  4 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V           32.07m  
  5 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C         31.20m  
  6 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                30.26m  
  7 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin              29.61m  
  8 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin            29.03m  
  9 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia             28.90m  
 10 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul          28.73m  
 11 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald        28.20m  
 12 St. James, .                 St. James               27.80m  
 13 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A          26.20m  
 14 St. Philip, .                St. Philip              25.82m  
 15 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit             25.41m  
 16 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen             24.75m  
 17 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi          24.60m  
 18 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel               23.94m  
 19 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer           23.90m  
 20 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel             23.86m  
 21 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew              23.82m  
 22 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier          23.39m  
 23 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily               21.80m  
 24 St. George, .                St. George              21.51m  
 25 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P           21.46m  
 26 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L           20.85m  
 27 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                20.50m  
 27 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A         20.50m  
 29 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii          19.35m  
 30 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict            18.73m  
 31 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony             14.60m  
Boys 100 Meter Dash Novice
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            15.13Q  4 
  2 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              15.40Q  1 
  3 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              15.62Q  5 
  4 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 15.74Q  3 
  5 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              15.87Q  2 
  6 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            15.17q  4 
  7 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                15.94q  4 
  8 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            15.97q  4  15.967
  9 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               15.97   2  15.970
 10 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          15.99   5 
 11 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 16.02   2 
 12 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                16.04   3 
 13 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              16.09   5 
 14 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            16.33   3 
 15 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               16.39   3 
 16 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             16.43   4 
 17 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              16.55   1 
 18 St. James, .                 St. James                16.57   5 
 19 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           16.59   3 
 20 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               16.66   4 
 21 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          16.74   5 
 22 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           16.90   2 
 23 St. George, .                St. George               16.94   1 
 24 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           16.98   2 
 25 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           17.06   1 
 26 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               17.24   1 
 27 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          17.33   3 
 28 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          17.36   5 
 29 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         17.43   2 
 30 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             17.50   4 
 31 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            17.80   1  17.791
 32 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           17.80   2  17.800
 33 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              18.06   3 
 34 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            18.14   1 
Boys 100 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            15.03  
  2 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              15.06  
  3 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            15.34  
  4 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 15.39  
  5 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              15.67  
  6 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                16.03  
  7 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            16.22  
  8 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              17.53  
Boys 200 Meter Dash Novice
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           30.75Q  3 
  2 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             31.69Q  4 
  3 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              31.95Q  1 
  4 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           33.22Q  2 
  5 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          33.56Q  5 
  6 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            32.83q  4 
  7 St. George, .                St. George               33.15q  1 
  8 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 33.31q  3 
  9 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                33.61   3 
 10 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               33.99   4 
 11 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            34.10   4 
 12 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           34.82   2 
 13 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              35.16   5 
 14 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               35.17   1 
 15 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               35.24   3 
 16 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              35.36   2 
 17 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          35.53   3 
 18 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            35.54   4 
 19 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             35.60   4 
 20 St. James, .                 St. James                35.77   5 
 21 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            36.04   1 
 22 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            36.34   1 
 23 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              36.60   1 
 24 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           36.73   1 
 25 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           37.25   2 
 26 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            37.27   3 
 27 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          37.33   5 
 28 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          38.14   5 
 29 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               38.34   2 
 30 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              38.46   5 
 31 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         38.93   2 
 32 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 39.54   2 
 33 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              42.44   3 
 34 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                51.35   4 
Boys 200 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           30.37  
  2 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             31.31  
  3 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              31.54  
  4 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            31.89  
  5 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          32.41  
  6 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           32.45  
  7 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 33.51  
  7 St. George, .                St. George               33.51  
Boys 400 Meter Run Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  H#
  1 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin             1:12.37   4 
  2 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels        1:14.53   5 
  3 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth          1:15.28   4 
  4 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi         1:15.65   2 
  5 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne               1:17.31   2 
  6 St. James, .                 St. James              1:17.88   5 
  7 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C        1:17.93   5 
  8 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia            1:18.07   1 
  9 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick            1:18.20   2 
 10 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P          1:18.72   4 
 11 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily              1:20.14   3 
 12 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin           1:20.78   4 
 13 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony            1:20.87   3 
 14 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel             1:21.25   2 
 15 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel              1:21.27   4 
 16 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul         1:21.89   2 
 17 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict           1:21.99   4 
 18 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A        1:22.59   3 
 19 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald       1:22.95   2 
 20 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A         1:24.15   2 
 21 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier         1:24.67   3 
 22 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer          1:24.87   4 
 23 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke               1:25.92   3 
 24 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel            1:27.03   1 
 25 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew             1:27.52   1 
 26 St. George, .                St. George             1:27.57   1 
 27 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen            1:28.46   5 
 28 St. Philip, .                St. Philip             1:29.81   3 
 29 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit            1:31.14   5 
 30 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii         1:32.49   1 
 31 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V          1:38.10   1 
 32 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F        1:40.55   5 
 33 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L          1:45.81   1 
 34 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F          1:55.19   3 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Novice
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 Guardian Angels  'A'                                1:02.66   5 
  2 St. Cecilia  'A'                                    1:03.02   1 
  3 Georges Vanier  'A'                                 1:03.38   3 
  4 Our Lady of Peace  'A'                              1:05.18   4 
  5 Corpus Christi  'A'                                 1:05.24   2 
  6 Holy Spirit  'A'                                    1:05.26   5 
  7 St. Martin de Porres  'A'                           1:05.43   4 
  8 St. Elizabeth  'A'                                  1:05.98   4 
  9 St. James  'A'                                      1:06.09   5 
 10 St. John the Apostle  'A'                           1:06.11   2 
 11 St. George  'A'                                     1:06.37   1 
 12 St. Emily  'A'                                      1:06.60   3 
 13 St. Isabel  'A'                                     1:07.11   4 
 14 St. Michael - Corkey  'A'                           1:07.99   5 
 15 St. Luke  'A'                                       1:08.06   3 
 16 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton  'A'                        1:08.36   3 
 17 Dr. F. J. McDonald  'A'                             1:08.59   2 
 18 St. Daniel  'A'                                     1:08.85   2 
 19 Holy Redeemer  'A'                                  1:08.87   4 
 20 St. Andrew  'A'                                     1:09.20   1 
 20 St. Michael - Fitzroy  'A'                          1:09.20   5 
 22 St. Patrick  'A'                                    1:09.60   2 
 23 St. Benedict  'A'                                   1:09.63   4 
 24 St. Gabriel  'A'                                    1:10.41   1 
 25 St. Philip  'A'                                     1:11.07   3 
 26 St. Anne  'A'                                       1:11.48   2 
 27 Monsignor Paul Baxter  'A'                          1:11.63   2 
 28 St. John Xxiii  'A'                                 1:11.89   1 
 29 St. Augustine  'A'                                  1:12.01   4 
 30 St. Anthony  'A'                                    1:12.55   3 
 31 Our Lady of Fatima  'A'                             1:12.62   3 
 32 Our Lady of Victory  'A'                            1:14.88   1 
 33 St. Rose of Lima  'A'                               1:15.07   1 
Boys High Jump Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            1.20m  
  2 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             1.20m  
  3 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 1.20m  
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              1.15m  
  5 St. George, .                St. George               1.15m  
  6 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         1.10m  
  6 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          1.10m  
  8 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           1.05m  
  8 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           1.05m  
  8 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              1.05m  
  8 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                1.05m  
  8 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            1.05m  
 -- St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                 FAIL  
Boys Long Jump Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              3.76m  
  2 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           3.52m  
  3 St. George, .                St. George               3.29m  
  4 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                3.27m  
  5 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           3.22m  
  6 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              3.21m  
  7 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          3.20m  
  7 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 3.20m  
  9 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            3.17m  
 10 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            3.16m  
 11 St. James, .                 St. James                3.14m  
 12 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 3.13m  
 13 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              3.11m  
 14 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               3.09m  
 14 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          3.09m  
 16 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          3.07m  
 17 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               3.06m  
 18 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           3.05m  
 18 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             3.05m  
 20 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               3.02m  
 20 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            3.02m  
 22 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               3.01m  
 23 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          2.96m  
 24 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            2.89m  
 25 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         2.88m  
 26 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              2.77m  
 27 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                2.74m  
 28 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            2.60m  
 29 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              2.56m  
 30 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           2.52m  
 31 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              2.41m  
 32 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            2.25m  
Boys Other Ball Throw Novice
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Philip, .                St. Philip              47.60m  
  2 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A         34.15m  
  3 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                34.00m  
  4 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F         33.73m  
  5 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P           33.40m  
  6 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels         32.70m  
  7 St. George, .                St. George              32.41m  
  8 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily               31.90m  
  8 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi          31.90m  
 10 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul          31.50m  
 11 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel              31.20m  
 12 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald        30.71m  
 13 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A          30.50m  
 14 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel             30.00m  
 15 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier          29.75m  
 16 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                29.45m  
 17 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict            28.90m  
 18 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer           28.59m  
 19 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F           28.10m  
 20 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V           27.80m  
 21 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin            27.78m  
 22 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia             27.70m  
 23 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew              27.39m  
 24 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin              27.10m  
 25 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick             26.75m  
 26 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii          26.41m  
 27 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L           25.62m  
 28 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel               20.60m  
 29 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony             20.50m  
 29 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C         20.50m  
 31 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth           20.00m  
Boys 100 Meter Dash Intermediate
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                13.36Q  4 
  2 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              14.06Q  1 
  3 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           14.79Q  3  14.783
  4 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           15.01Q  2 
  5 St. James, .                 St. James                15.42Q  5  15.416
  6 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               14.48q  1 
  7 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            14.68q  4 
  8 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 14.79q  3  14.790
  9 St. George, .                St. George               14.84   1 
 10 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              15.05   2 
 11 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             15.21   4 
 12 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          15.42   5  15.417
 13 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              15.44   5 
 14 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          15.46   5 
 15 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            15.48   1 
 16 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 15.56   2 
 17 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                15.58   3 
 18 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             15.69   4 
 19 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              15.70   1 
 20 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              15.86   5 
 21 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               15.99   3 
 22 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            16.41   3 
 23 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          16.46   5 
 24 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            16.56   4 
 25 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          16.69   3  16.688
 26 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         16.69   2  16.690
 27 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               16.71   2 
 28 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            16.77   1 
 29 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               16.95   4 
 30 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           17.02   2 
 31 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           17.10   2 
 32 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            17.22   4 
 33 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              18.13   3 
 34 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           19.45   1 
Boys 100 Meter Dash Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                13.08  
  2 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              14.37  
  3 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               14.39  
  4 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            14.67  
  5 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           14.87  
  6 St. James, .                 St. James                14.90  
  7 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 15.02  
Boys 200 Meter Dash Intermediate
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          29.86Q  5 
  2 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 30.37Q  2 
  3 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            30.70Q  4 
  4 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              31.26Q  1 
  5 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            31.59Q  3 
  6 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              31.11q  5 
  7 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              31.74q  1 
  8 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           31.75q  2 
  9 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             32.12   4 
 10 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              32.36   2 
 11 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi           32.76   2 
 12 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F          32.80   5 
 13 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            32.89   4 
 14 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           32.91   1 
 15 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          33.04   3 
 16 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          33.30   5 
 17 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               33.31   1 
 18 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             33.58   4 
 19 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           33.69   3 
 20 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            33.72   1 
 21 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               33.74   4 
 22 St. James, .                 St. James                33.92   5 
 23 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           34.33   2 
 24 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            34.46   4 
 25 St. George, .                St. George               34.47   1 
 26 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              34.50   5 
 27 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         34.51   2 
 28 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                35.03   3 
 29 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               35.92   3 
 30 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 36.33   3 
 31 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            38.87   1 
 32 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              38.89   3 
 33 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               40.33   2 
 34 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                45.25   4 
Boys 200 Meter Dash Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          29.54   1 
  2 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 29.85   1 
  3 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              30.56   1 
  4 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                30.69   2 
  5 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              30.98   1 
  6 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              31.20   1 
  7 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           31.60   1 
  8 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            32.31   1 
  9 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            32.92   1 
Boys 400 Meter Run Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  H#
  1 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia            1:05.16   1 
  2 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick            1:08.75   2 
  3 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C        1:09.02   5 
  4 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi         1:09.29   2 
  5 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel              1:10.03   4 
  6 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit            1:10.20   5 
  7 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke               1:10.39   3 
  8 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels        1:11.59   5 
  9 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily              1:12.71   3 
 10 St. James, .                 St. James              1:13.06   5 
 11 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen            1:13.36   5 
 12 St. George, .                St. George             1:13.82   1 
 13 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P          1:14.08   4 
 14 St. Philip, .                St. Philip             1:14.20   3 
 15 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A         1:14.55   2 
 16 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V          1:15.89   1 
 17 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew             1:16.01   1 
 18 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer          1:16.08   4 
 19 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel            1:16.27   1 
 20 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier         1:17.29   3 
 21 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict           1:17.38   4 
 22 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul         1:17.77   2 
 23 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii         1:17.91   1 
 24 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F        1:19.37   5 
 25 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L          1:19.77   1 
 26 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F          1:20.02   3 
 27 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin             1:21.63   4 
 28 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald       1:24.12   2 
 29 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin           1:27.41   4 
 30 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A        1:28.11   3 
 31 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne               1:29.88   2 
 32 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth          1:34.32   4 
 33 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel             1:36.92   2 
 34 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony            1:42.69   3 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Intermediate
    Team                                                 Finals  H#
  1 St. Isabel  'A'                                       57.48   4 
  2 St. Andrew  'A'                                       58.58   1 
  3 St. Cecilia  'A'                                      58.68   1 
  4 Guardian Angels  'A'                                  58.76   5 
  5 St. James  'A'                                      1:00.36   5 
  6 St. Michael - Corkey  'A'                           1:00.69   5 
  7 St. Anne  'A'                                       1:01.28   2 
  8 St. Gabriel  'A'                                    1:01.32   1 
  9 St. Luke  'A'                                       1:01.33   3 
 10 Georges Vanier  'A'                                 1:01.64   3 
 11 Holy Redeemer  'A'                                  1:01.72   4 
 12 St. Stephen  'A'                                    1:01.79   5 
 13 St. George  'A'                                     1:02.06   1 
 14 Corpus Christi  'A'                                 1:02.43   2 
 15 Holy Spirit  'A'                                    1:02.45   5 
 16 St. John the Apostle  'A'                           1:03.37   2 
 17 St. Benedict  'A'                                   1:03.63   4 
 18 Monsignor Paul Baxter  'A'                          1:04.11   2 
 19 Our Lady of Fatima  'A'                             1:04.59   3 
 20 St. Emily  'A'                                      1:04.67   3 
 21 St. Michael - Fitzroy  'A'                          1:04.98   5 
 22 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton  'A'                        1:05.22   3 
 23 St. Augustine  'A'                                  1:05.70   4 
 24 Our Lady of Peace  'A'                              1:05.97   4 
 25 St. Philip  'A'                                     1:06.05   3 
 26 St. Martin de Porres  'A'                           1:06.29   4 
 27 St. Patrick  'A'                                    1:06.31   2 
 28 Dr. F. J. McDonald  'A'                             1:07.15   2 
 29 St. Elizabeth  'A'                                  1:08.21   4 
 30 Our Lady of Victory  'A'                            1:08.37   1 
 31 St. Rose of Lima  'A'                               1:09.78   1 
 32 St. Daniel  'A'                                     1:13.51   2 
 33 St. Anthony  'A'                                    1:13.87   3 
 34 St. John Xxiii  'A'                                 1:16.00   1 
Boys High Jump Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict             1.35m  
  2 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         1.30m  
  3 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                1.25m  
  4 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              1.20m  
  5 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          1.20m  
  6 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            1.15m  
  6 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                1.15m  
  7 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           1.15m  
  9 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           1.10m  
  9 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              1.10m  
  9 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            1.10m  
 -- St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                  FAIL  
 -- St. George, .                St. George                FAIL  
Boys Long Jump Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel                4.05m  
  2 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A           3.95m  
  3 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew               3.68m  
  4 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel              3.67m  
  5 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer            3.63m  
  6 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia              3.61m  
  7 St. James, .                 St. James                3.56m  
  8 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier           3.55m  
  9 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels          3.44m  
 10 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul           3.42m  
 11 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                 3.40m  
 12 St. George, .                St. George               3.39m  
 12 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily                3.39m  
 14 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C          3.38m  
 15 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F            3.37m  
 16 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit              3.32m  
 17 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                 3.29m  
 18 St. Philip, .                St. Philip               3.26m  
 19 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen              3.15m  
 19 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin               3.15m  
 21 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald         3.09m  
 22 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A          3.08m  
 23 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P            3.01m  
 24 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick              2.95m  
 25 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth            2.90m  
 25 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin             2.90m  
 27 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L            2.85m  
 28 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel               2.84m  
 29 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V            2.50m  
 30 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii           2.37m  
 31 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony              2.25m  
 -- St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F           FOUL  
Boys Other Ball Throw Intermediate
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals 
  1 Corpus Christi, .            Corpus Christi          50.00m  
  2 St. Gabriel, .               St. Gabriel             48.68m  
  3 St. Cecilia, .               St. Cecilia             48.20m  
  4 St. Emily, .                 St. Emily               47.40m  
  5 St. Stephen, .               St. Stephen             46.74m  
  6 Guardian Angels, .           Guardian Angels         40.86m  
  7 St. Andrew, .                St. Andrew              40.30m  
  8 Georges Vanier, .            Georges Vanier          40.10m  
  9 St. Anne, .                  St. Anne                39.55m  
 10 Holy Spirit, .               Holy Spirit             39.00m  
 11 St. Benedict, .              St. Benedict            38.95m  
 12 St. George, .                St. George              38.32m  
 13 St. Isabel, .                St.Isabel               38.31m  
 14 St. James, .                 St. James               37.10m  
 15 St. Patrick, .               St. Patrick             36.00m  
 16 St. Elizabeth, .             St. Elizabeth           34.90m  
 17 Our Lady of Fatima, .        Our Lady of F           34.30m  
 18 St. Luke, .                  St. Luke                34.20m  
 19 St. Michael Fitzroy, .       St. Michael - F         33.70m  
 20 St. Rose of Lima, .          St. Rose of L           33.56m  
 21 St. Michael Corkery, .       St. Michael - C         33.40m  
 21 St. Martin de Porres, .      St. Martin              33.40m  
 23 St. Daniel, .                St. Daniel              33.31m  
 24 St. Philip, .                St. Philip              33.30m  
 25 Monsignor Paul Baxte, .      Monsignor Paul          32.27m  
 26 St. John Xxiii, .            St. John Xxiii          31.50m  
 27 Dr. F.J. McDonald, .         Dr. F J McDonald        31.43m  
 28 Our Lady of Victory, .       Our Lady of V           31.11m  
 29 St. Elizabeth Ann, Seton     St. Elizabeth A         30.90m  
 30 St. Augustine, .             St. Augustin            29.20m  
 31 St. Anthony, .               St. Anthony             29.10m  
 32 St. John the Apostle, .      St. John the A          29.00m  
 33 Our Lady of Peace, .         Our Lady of P           28.20m  
 34 Holy Redeemer, .             Holy Redeemer           26.20m