
Letter to Members on Athletics Canada Suspensions of McInnis and Porter

Dear Members,
As some of you have been made aware, the Athletics Canada Commissioner’s Office announced today that they have temporarily suspended Ottawa Lions Track and Field Club Executive Director Andy McInnis and Club President Ken Porter from all activities effective immediately. Both individuals will be under suspension until the Commissioner’s Office has concluded a complaint procedure against them.
The Board of Directors placed Mr. McInnis on administrative leave on September 11, 2018, immediately following an initial review of allegations made by the Club Ombudsperson. At that time the Board took the decision to contract an independent external investigator and is awaiting the investigator’s final report. Upon receipt of a final report from the investigation and in consultation with the decision of the Athletics Canada Commissioner’s Office, the Board will take swift and appropriate measures in the best interest of the club.
We want to assure all members that creating and maintaining a healthy, safe and secure sporting environment for all of our athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and employees is a top priority for our organization. Any actions that contravene our Statement of Expectations or Harassment Policy are incompatible with that environment and strictly prohibited.
As such, members are encouraged to contact the Club’s Ombudsperson if they are aware of any such actions. The Ombudsperson has been given the authority by the Board of Directors to investigate all complaints of violations of the Ottawa Lions Track and Field Club’s Statement of Expectations or Harassment Policy.
During Ken Porter’s absence, I will be assuming the role of Club President on an acting basis.
Lastly, given the ongoing nature of the investigation, the Board has no further comment at this time.
Ryan Rowat Signature
Ryan Rowat
Interim President
Ottawa Lions Track and Field Club

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