(February 29, 2020 -- Ottawa, Ontario) Ottawa Lions coach Lorraine McKenzie-Presley talks with Madison Clarke  at the 2020 Piper Challenge at the Dome @ Louis-Riel.
Copyright Miles Ryan Rowat / Mundo Sport Images

Celebrating International Women’s Week – Lorraine McKenzie-Presley

To honor International Women’s Week, we want to say thank you to our many women coaches who promote our sport in such a positive manner and model strength, dedication and leadership for tomorrow’s leaders. We appreciate everything you do! We know how hard it is to balance work and family life! The fact that you still find the time to come out and volunteer with our athletes is proof of your superhero powers! Thank you!

Lorraine McKenzie-Presley has been a long time coach with the Ottawa Lions, working primarily with Junior Development middle distance athletes, particularly those specializing in the 800m.  
Lorraine’s easy going manner and infectious smile enables her to help athletes feel at ease during particularly difficult workouts and before stressful competitions.  In her  athlete’s own words, “Lorraine has always been unwavering in modelling what it means to have a rigorous work ethic, a consistently positive mindset, and a strong sense of community. Lorraine has always maintained a sense of perspective and encouraged [her athletes] in dimensions beyond sport.” “Her attention to detail, incredible social skills and coaching expertise makes her capable of adapting to any situation with ease. She always knows what to say and how to say it; whether it is before or after a race, when dealing with an injury or just at practice. Lorraine provides her athletes with a chance to train in a supportive and fun environment allowing for performance and improvement. 
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