
March 17th COVID 19 Notice

Dear Members
This is a follow up to the notice sent out on Friday afternoon.
I trust everyone has been keeping up with the news and understand the scope of the situation we are in regarding COVID-19. While the scenario rapidly evolving each day I want to emphasize the precautions that have been put in place to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on a local, provincial and federal level.
Social distancing is one of the key themes being advised, however, this does not mean social isolation. While everyone has a different arrangement at home, be sure to maintain communication with friends, family, teammates and coaches.
While specialized training facilities continue to close, there are countless ways to maintain fitness and build towards the outdoor season for when it comes. Consistency in training will be key. Moderation is advised if you are not use to training outdoors in the cooler weather (dress accordingly). Softer surfaces are better than the roads but manage the workload on the roads if you must. Finally, balancing volume and intensity of training sessions until back to a normal track and field setting.
While no official Lions practice will be taking place until further notice there is a low risk when meeting in small groups. Please give each other space and avoid skin to skin contact (handshakes, high fives, even with gloves) and follow the public health tips if you are in social settings.
Please take care of yourselves and feel free to reach out to me if you need anything.
Richard Johnston
Acting Executive Director
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