Terry Fox Aerial

Newsletter for October 2020

Dear Members ,

As November approaches we head into the final week of our fall programing.

This has been unlike any other fall and the club continues to show its resiliency as we navigate the constantly changing environment COVID-19 imposes on us.


Only lands on a Saturday every few years and we want to take advantage of it this year during our October 31st morning practice. We invite athletes to come out in their creative attire to celebrate and enjoy the spooky day. The club will have prizes for the best costume or ensemble costumes.

Outdoor extension & Indoors

While we continue to work with various indoor facilities to create a sustainable and safe environment for our athletes, the City of Ottawa has agreed to keep their doors open for club use into late November. We hope to post details regarding membership extensions this week.

I understand that all members are anxiously awaiting news on indoor venues and I ask that you remain patient.

Cross Country Updates

The hope to salvage a bit more cross country is still alive.

Locally, our November 6th-7th event will be cancelled. This is upsetting news after the success of Capital XC Challenge earlier this month, however, the event lies too close to the projected end of the modified stage 2 Ottawa is under.

Provincially, the Athletics Ontario Championships have moved from Kingston to St. Catherine’s to Peterborough and now look to be contested in a regional sense (Eastern, Central and Western Championships) taking place on November 14th-15th. Once again, we look to have details shared this week.

I encourage athletes and coaches to remain focused and determined to put forward a strong effort on the 2nd weekend of November.

Women Can Summit Series

An excellent virtual seminar is taking place during the afternoon of Saturday November 7th.  Comprised of an incredible panel of coaches, athletes (including our very own Melissa Bishop-Nriagu), professors and professionals in various fields of mental performance, nutrition and physiology.

Registration is still open https://www.bordercityac.com/summit-series-women-can.html

COVID-19 Safety

The reminders are still there and even more important as the warnings from by-law are disappearing. Physical distancing inside and outside the Terry Fox Athletic Facility is a must, casual on lookers outside the facility cannot tell the difference between siblings or roommates. During practice we ask that even those who live in close proximity keep the 2m in mind.

Ottawa remains in a modified stage 2 that limits gatherings to 25. This must be maintained inside and outside the facility at all times.

25 in the Main Stadium
25 in the North Field
25 in the West Field

Clear separation of groups in the park so that we do not exceed 25 in one area.

Take the extra couple seconds to sanitize coming into the facility and when leaving.

Everyone has done a great job with their masks when entering Terry Fox but this is a reminder that they are needed when entering the washrooms.


This pandemic has brought delays to training and non-traditional competition throughout the summer and fall. Yes, under normal circumstances we would be moving indoors this week and starting our winter programs but nothing here is normal. We must continue to adapt and be flexible with scenarios and opportunities that are available.

Please take care and remember to bundle up as the temperature and weather changes.

Richard Johnston
Executive Director


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