
Happy Holidays to the Lions Pride!

Dear members of the pride,

We wish the circumstances were different. We wish we could connect with our friends and family via hugs rather than via Zoom. But most importantly, we wish good health to all we know.

This holiday season we would like to give thanks to our friends and family who have helped us navigate the many unforeseen ups and downs the year 2020 has brought our way.

Thank you to the athletes for your ability to adapt and your never ending commitment to the sport we love.

Thank you to the parents and volunteers for your continual support on and off the track.

Thank you to the coaches for your leadership and the countless revisions to the micro cycles, the macro cycles, and the yearly training plan, that was thrown out the window on more than one occasion.

Thank you to the staff for always finding solutions to the series of problems we never knew would exist. Your efforts have certainly kept us on track and moving forward.

This year has continually forced us to improvise and adapt, but like we have always done, we will continue to overcome.

From our family to yours, we wish you all a safe and happy holiday season!


Your Ottawa Lions family

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