Terry Fox Aerial

Lions to resume training June 18

After 97 days away, we are happy to report that today, June 18th, we will finally return to the track. While we can appreciate everyone’s excitement at this news, it is important to note that much like other avenues, our return to the track will include some necessary adjustments to the way we work as we continue to live through this COVID-19 pandemic.

“The return to training plans we have implemented is with the utmost care for the health and safety of those directly affiliated with our club (members, coaches, officials, and families),” explains acting executive director Richard Johnston. “We owe it to our partners at Athletics Canada, Athletics Ontario, The City of Ottawa, University of Ottawa, and Carleton University to carry out a plan that is simple yet safe for everyone to return to the sport we love so much.”

The Ottawa Lions are thankful to both Athletics Ontario and Athletics Canada for their collaborative development of the “Back on Track” task force, which produced the general framework we will be operating under during this next stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we get back on track, it is imperative all show patience and understanding as we navigate this new terrain. Please respect those around you by practicing physical distancing, ensuring proper hygiene and sanitization, and wearing personal protective equipment where necessary.

Our COVID-19 strategy is seen as a brief outline of what can be expected when resuming training with the Club and within the Terry Fox Athletic Facility. Inside the linked document, you will find details about new training times and max capacity as well as adjustments to program schedules.

If you have any questions about the return to training, please contact Richard Johnston at 613-247-4886 or rjohnston@ottawalions.com