
Côté steps down as Club President

Date: May 13, 2020

Dear Members,

It is with a heavy heart that I announce my resignation as President of the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Lions. My love for our Club and for the sport of track and field motivated me to step forward first as Vice-President of the Board of Directors, and then later as President. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served on this Board – in a short time, we’ve revised our Mission, Vision, and Values, updated our Policy on Harassment, Abuse and Sexual Misconduct, and laid the groundwork for the continued growth and strengthening of our Club.

Together, the Club, its Staff and its Members have been confronted with and overcome many challenges. Now, in these uncertain and unprecedented times, we are facing yet another challenge. I have the greatest confidence in our Members, Staff and Board of Directors to overcome this too.


Nathalie Côté

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